The new iPhone 3G comes pre-installed with the latest version 2.0 of the iPhone firmware, allowing support for a larger range of applications and enhanced functionality, Now first generation iPhone users can also enjoy the benefits offered by the latest iPhone 2.0 software update as Apple released the new firmware update for the original first generation iPhone and iPod Touch users.
The most notable new feature in the latest version of the OS is its ability to access Apple App Store to directly download and install more then 500 native applications and games, other notable features and improvements include support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, GPS tracking, Geotagging, parental controls, real-time mapping, MobileMe support, new scientific calculator, power-point file format support, support for additional languages and introduction of new features in Mail, Contacts, and other applications.

To upgrade your iPhone or iPod Touch to OS version 2.0 firmware, you need to download and install iTunes 7.7 or later from Apple
, Then simply connect the iPhone or iPod Touch to the computer and update your device using iTunes as described here - > (Must read before upgrade).
You can also upgrade your device using the standalone upgrade here [iPhone Only, 225 Mb, Direct Download Link].
How to install .IPSW file:
- Once the iPhone standalone update file is downloaded, save it to your Desktop.
- Launch iTunes 7.7
- Shift-Click on "Check for Updates".
- Navigate to your downloaded .ipsw file on Desktop.
- Once selected, the iPhone update works like it were automated and will extract itself.
WARNING: Only use this method if you are well aware of the risks involved in doing this, there is no responsibility of any kind and this could seriously make your device useless.
how do i use the standalone upgrade? i already downloaded that but do not know how to use it.
How to install the standalone .ipsw upgrade file ?
I have updated the article giving instructions on how to upgrade your iPhone or iTouch using the .ipsw method.
Does the .ISPW file have to
Does the .ISPW file have to be saved on the desktop? Or will iTunes be able to find it if it is anywhere on the computer?
Anywhere, you select a folder when you Shift+Click
wicked! you're cool and generous! thank you so much. - joez
Hey what do I do....I've
Hey what do I do....I've done everything like you said but I keep getting a message that says..."The ipod cannot he restored an unknow error occoured(5)"
Now what?
Unknown error
It's happened to me too, the iPod is just sitting there with the iTunes and USB cord icons on the screen. I've made sure that it's iTunes 7.7. What's going on, does anyone know?
its so annoying and itunes store never helps
Maybe this is why?
There is a delay because iTunes will try to download the "restore" in the background - check the Store>Downloads folder
Your iPod may have turned itself off (missing from the Devices list in iTunes) and so need turning back on to allow the restore to continue...
(05) error
put ur ipod in dfu mode.
hold power button n turn off ipod.
Then clikc n hold power n main button for 10 seconds then leave power n hold main for 10 sec. have ur ipod plugged in to comp. then there shud be a box pop up in itues says identifyied pod in restore mode or something similar. click ok. then shift click restore n click on the frimware u want to restore to. wait n it will be done =D
This is why
This is for iPhone only. I just tried it and realized this is not the iPod version...
Btw, now all I can see is a
Btw, now all I can see is a picture of the usb chord and the itunes logo on my screen.
picture of the usb chord and the itunes logo
i have the same problem !! Life has not been the same :{ please anyone to me what to do
Time To Hack Your iPhone !
You can try the old iPhone Pwnage Tool : , the version 2 is still to be released for public download.
won't work on my ipod touch
hi. im getting the same error updating my ipod touch. are there any solutions to this? thanks so much in advance.
Espero que esto me ayude
how to shift click
how do i shift-click and to what upgrade... do i have to click?
ok. go to itunes 7.7 then
ok. go to itunes 7.7 then connect ur ipod. after it is connected go to the device and under summary there is a button called update ya?
so now after you have downloaded the file press shift button on your keyboard and press that update button. you will get it then...
I clicked restore instead
I clicked restore instead maybe that is why it got messed up.
Error updating
It was extracting the file and i thought it was working then it said error updating itouch (5)
Most annoying thing ever. Any help?
Now i have to restore my ipod
that standalone file is for
that standalone file is for iphone.
iPod touch error after ver 2.0 install
I am getting "An error occurred while restoring this iPod (-36)" and "The ipod "iPod" cannot be synced. The requested file cannot be found." I have purchased and loaded the new verson 2.0 software ($9.95) and spent 3 hours so far loading the software then letting my iMac restore the songs, videos and photos to the iPod touch. However, each time I get the above errors. I recommend waiting maybe several weeks until you load the new "Application" software to your iPod touch.
hi i like nachos
hi i like nachos
Yes, it is for iPhone
Following up my previous comment, I read the filename properly and found out it started with iPhone.
For iPod Touch owners, I suggest you download from this link:,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
And when iTunes tells you to restore, Shift+Alt click Restore in the Summary window and select iPod1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw.
downloaded as .zip file
the file downloaded as a .zip file how to i change it to the .ipsw
2.0 touch update
for the touch, to get it to navigate to the file, it's NOT shift-click. it's OPTION-click (update)
What do you mean option click? There is no key that says option...
Mac vs Windows
For Mac OS the key is Option and For Windows its Shift.
How do you do this on a
How do you do this on a mac?
Where is the 'option' button that you hole down when pressing 'check for update'?
This is for the iphone... it wont work on an ipod touch.. if you have an ipod otuch youneed 2 get it for ipod touch. the download file even said ipohone. its susposed 2 say ipod touch
yah i tried it for like ages
yah i tried it for like ages and none of the solutions work.
even the downloaded files says its iPod1,1_2.0_5A347 or iPod1,2_2.0_5A347
is there any other solutions for the update on a Itouch ??
Do you really need Itunes 7.7 to do the software upgrade to 2.0? Cause i have a older version of i tunes and the update didn't work, i kept getting a error message. Could it be because i don't have the new Itunes?
Is it for ipod touch or only
Is it for ipod touch or only for iphone????please help me!!
ur god
Fuck your comments
Just random
To itunes guy, yes, you NEED iTunes 7.7
I didn't think it mattered once but it makes all the difference
Im currently downloading the iPOD version of this firmware, so for the next guy, this is for iphone, but i got the link from the british guy "Yes, this is for iphone" I would highly recommend using that one for your pod, and this one for your phone.
Yes, i am god, and fuck u too. :P
hi, he likes nachos.
personally, i got all my help from 'hi i like nachos' in the US.
but..... wait
when i put restore i do shift click,shift option click,option click,which one?
please someone.
It worked for me! THX
I have a 32 gb Ipod touch and it worked fine for me.
Thanks a lot! :)
Still can't download the ipod touch firmware 2.0
Where to find ipod touch firmware 2.0 ???
didnt work!!
i got it to upgrade n everything but then all of the sudden youtube safari mail and all that stuff that requires internet doesnt work except appstore!!
Finally, .IPSW file: 225 mb file is meant for Ipod Touch and Iphone right....can somebody tell me if the upgrade is happeing on a 8gb ipod touch, as mine is the first version so i need to upgrade everything apple comes out with new verison, point is i dont want to burn a hole of 20$ jsut because i trysted apple first an bought it.
do advise...thx. trying to figure trying to figure out how to download an upgrade on my ipod touch... without having to pay $20/$40.... can anyone help? ive been reading all the other comments but its quite confusing
i can see some people are
i can see some people are having problem. i have it as well so i did this. download the iphone 2.0 software to your computer, enable hidden files to be shown on your computer. after that open this folder in this manner ''c:/(your username)/app data/roaming/apple computer/itunes/iphone software updates'' for VISTA and ''C:\Documents and Settings\*USER HERE*\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates''for WINDOWS XP. copy the downloaded firmware to 'iPhone Software Updates' folder. close it and try to update your ipod through itunes. it worked for me. my ipod is 32GB version
wtf ?!
when im unpacking the zip file on my mac the ipsw file becomes a folder -.-
i can look in it as it were a fuckin folder my other .ipsw files arent folders ....
what can i do?
i've the same problem, i
i've the same problem, i download lots of mb's and its gets a folder not a ipsw file. in itunes i cant show anything in this folder.
Not work
I downloaded the iPod1,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw version and not worked, on iTunes stayed the mesage Preparing iPod software for restore... for a long long long time, what's wrong? :(
Maybe this is why?
There is a delay because iTunes will try to download the "restore" in teh background - check the Store>Downloads folder
Your iPod may have turned itself off (missing from the Devices list in iTunes) and so need turning back on to allow the restore to continue...
Do Not Download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not download this. It is stupid. When I downloaded it I had to get my entire iPod repaired. Luckily they could could repair it. Whoever put this on this website, you should be very ashamed with yourself!!!
Error encounter
When i try load the downloaded ipod touch software using the iTunes 7.7. It gives me an error 4301... what does it means?? I follow the uploading using shift then click update.... Any nobody can help..
wasted time
i just wasted like 2 hours trying to get the iphone version to work.... now i'm probably going to waste another 2 on the ipod versin....=[
long download
im getting the update from iTunes which after all the terms and condition crap says do not interupt the download as it may take a while, its estimated time on decent broadband is 30mins, so far im on 38 hours and counting. any suggestions?
need help
i dont see any .ipsw file in the zip file the i downloaded from the link above. there are only these files and folder in the zip file:
.fseventsd - folder
Firmware - folder
018-3782-2.dmg - file
018-3783-2.dmg - file
kernelcache.release.s5l8900x - file
Restore.plist - file
i need help with this !!!!
need help
Did you get an answer to this? I have the same problem.
need help also
I have the exact same problem, i have been downloading different links but there is no .ispw file. Please help if you can.
Hey i was wondering...when im upgrading the ipod...does it have to be in restore mode or should i just leave it how it is when i first connect it?
you can download the file's
you can download the file's torrent from here....!
iTouch upgrade
hey u guys i luv my iPod n i wanna make sure it doesnt get damaged during this
next Q. im not sure wat to do.
Restore iPod
Download file
n itll do it itself rit?
n ill get the games?
pls answer ASAP thx
iTouch upgrade error
When I'm trying to upgrade my iPod touch(16G)
ther shows an error message
"The ipod cannot he restored an unknow error occoured(5)"
What does it mean? any solutions? help me please >"<
There's a solution
Try "2.0" ipsw (not 2.0.2)
i tried everything the ppl here said and its not working.
this is bullshit you screwed up my iPod
u bastard
u guys this is just an asshole that is trynna get the whole world to lose their iphone/itouch
it is a FAKE
wasted my time..!!!!
didn't work out..
This is only for I Phones
This is only for i-Phone
If you look at the downloaded file, it says i-Phone too
So if you have a i-pod touch, do not download, because it will come up with an error
Worked for My iPod
Hey all,
Just thought I'd let you know it worked for me and my iPod Touch 8 Gig. Here's the link I used...,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
Took forever to 3 hours. I think it has a max download speed put on by the website or something. Then, when I was installing it, I thought it froze...but it really does take a long time to install the new software. I don't think I have a first generation touch...I bought it pretty recently. Not sure how it will work with the first gen ones. Either way...I hope that it works out for all of you. I'm right now in the midst of downloading the update to 2.1 :-)
Good luck :)
i have itunes 8.0
i have itunes 8.0. i haven't account in apple store.i download this file and is itunes under the apple store i have music where i click shift+ctrl+click??
Where did you find the 2,1 upgrade?
This is done and dusted ",1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw" where did you find the 2,1?
pls help
pls ipod froza it only shows the connect usb and itunes icons after trying to update..plz tell me what to do
ipod touch & iphone same ipsw file?
hi, i have everything as it should but the pineapple app says my firware is wrong version..
unhacked ipod touch 16gb, version 2,1 5f137
model : ma627ll
found out how to use the one for ipod touch
download itune 7.7
the file you download for ipod firmware2.0 is in zip format. then jus rename the file and end with .ipsw istead of .zip
then open itunes
connect ipod touch
then hold alt and option and then press restore then you can see the file you downloaded
then it works!!!
hare krishna
didnt fuck my iPod touch up...
the software didnt fuck up my iPod but it didnt fuckin work... just waste of time aye. lost all my music and stuff, how irratating.
com o lo descargo
how do i download it?
thanks soo much works so
thanks soo much works so good!!!!!!!
Jailbreaking iPod Touch 1g and 2G
Jailbreaking Guide For iPod Touch First Generation (Older One)
Jailbreaking Guide For iPod Touch Second Generation (NewerOne)
does this work for ipod touch?
does this work for ipod touch aswell?
How long should it take for an iPod touch to get new software on it?Mine is taking for ever and it says "Updating iPod Software" on the progress bar.
Hello, It’s not possible
Hello, It’s not possible for me to save the file in Desktop cause my C drive is totally affected with virus. I’ve scanned with kaspersky several times but it just can’t detect the virus. Is there any problem if I save the file elsewhere?
hey hope some1 can help me out here, i did the update on the web for my iphone through the itunes and then i got blocked, well then i fouund blackrain and unlocked and it worked but i dont know what i did wrong cuz now it wont read any sim cards i cant call at all, what should i do man im pissed already man does anybody know...? tks
Ipod touch 2.0 upgrade
Saved .ipsw file to my desktop.
Did a back up of my ipod, then clicked shift + upgrade in iTunes 10, a browser menu popped up, I went to my desktop where the downloaded .ipsw file was. Selected it, the ipod touch updated to 2.0, it is now currently updating to 2.1. It also restored all my music, pictures, etc... from the original back up I did before the update.
Thanks all.
This is for the iphone... it
This is for the iphone... it wont work on an ipod touch.. if you have an ipod touch you need 2 get it for ipod touch. the download file even said iPhone. its supposed 2 say ipod touch
seattle company
Oh great help for iphone fans ! I am also ! Thanks for this worked great! keep it on!
Then clikc n hold power n
Then clikc n hold power n main button for 10 seconds then leave power n hold main for 10 sec. have ur ipod plugged in to comp. then there shud be a box pop up in itues says identifyied pod in restore mode or something similar. click ok. then shift click restore n click on the frimware u want to restore to. wait n it will be done =D
Great help for iphone fans !
Great help for iphone fans ! I am also ! Thanks for this worked great! keep it on!
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