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Bible Review On Amazon : “This Book Doesn’t Work”


Thats awesome!!!!

Proverbs 26:4, The Old Testament, The Bible

That is so funny! Even though un-Christian!

The power of the universe certainly must have a sense of humor, for he / she made man / women with all our warts and foibles clearly visible. I trust he / she (or it) can either laugh at this or laugh this off...especially in the grand scheme of things.

I experienced the same thing.
I didn't even get a Mac Book Air :(

I didn't even get a hotdog.

The people that are asking for cars and hamburgers and making a mockery of the bible should be ashamed of themselves,I feel sorry for these people as they know not what they are doing, If they keep this up with out repenting there sins and start respecting our lord then They will not be saved. as the bible is not a laughing matter.

excelent work very thanks for the post

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