Facebook is getting better and better. During Facebook's live press event last January 18, the social media mogul announced its new 60 Open Graph app partners. The new set of partners, ranging from food to fitness and from travel to lifestyle, will be working closely with Facebook in approving new apps for the platform. This should elevate Facebook to a whole new different level. According to Facebook, the new apps will give way for greater expression of activities among its users, needless to say, better collaboration and communication as well.

Last year, Facebook laid down its roadmap for 2012 when CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, “The next five years will be defined by the apps and the depth of engagement possible.” If all goes well, marketers and brands will find more opportunities to engage the vast number of Facebook users in the web. Some of the apps available today are Foodspotting, Foodily, Ticketmaster, Pinterest, Rotten Tomatoes, Pose, Kobo, Gogobot, TripAdvisor and many more.

Eddie O'Neill of the Facebook team said, “Starting today, developers can build apps that let people add anything they love to their Timelines - whether it is eating, traveling, shopping, running or taking pictures. The apps launching today are just starting to demonstrate the types of self-expression that are possible with the Open Graph. There are many more stories to tell and great apps to tell them. Get started today!”

The new apps will be shown in the Timeline of every user. At the bottom of the Timeline section, the summaries to all of your app activities per month will be shown. So if you are on Timeline now, you can start adding the apps right away. Currently, there are over 60 Timeline apps in Facebook and they are all there for your taking. No need to worry about compromising your privacy though. Facebook guarantees that you can choose when to add a particular app and when to see it. Once an app is added, you will always have the option to remove posts and notifications directly from your Timeline via the settings option from the "Activity Log". So, what are you waiting for? Start adding the Timeline apps now.
Source: Facebook Blog
New Timeline Apps
Bend Over!
It's bad enough the Microsoft tells us that we like ribbon bars and compact start menu's. I for one am sick and tired of companies telling their clients what is best for them.
Has no one heard about polls? Or are they something that gets rammed up a clients ass?
Sounds like they want to do what is best.
I for one do not like my timeline out in view of public. Its wrong to have a full time line to anyone who wants to look at it. Its personal information and its sucks that the owner of facebook doesnt give one crap about anyone personal private information.
He was cought giving a friend who was going to harvard personal information OF over 300 people who are going to that college sharing infromation including address, photo and phone number with email. He was quoted in a friends IM "I dont give a frack about perivate information" he even said on a interview that if people want privacy to be more "transparent".
I can see facebook fading out like myspace. I wonder what other social site will take its place. Anyone remeber BEBO?
Timeline Apps Enhance our Facebook Timeline
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