We have reviewed lots of free and paid VPN services on this blog and have always provided our readers with exclusive free accounts to try things out, so here we are once again with another VPN service review and free account giveaway.
With support for over 35+ country servers very few VPN service providers match anonymity offered by VPN Traffic. Vpntraffic lets users surf the internet anonymously, allowing users to visit censored websites in their region with high speed, also safeguarding against any spoofing attacks. Another feature not found in other VPN services is support for P2P (torrents) connections.

After providing applications on several devices, such as : iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Symbian and Windows mobile, VPNTraffic is now offering its VPN service to Android users.
VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn for Android, Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to 35+ Countries VPN servers worldwide. Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
VpnTraffic for Android features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
VPN Servers around world:
- Europe:UK, France, Germany, Sweden,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Denmark,Belgium,Czech,Poland,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Mexico,Colombia,Argentina,Brazil
- Asia: China,India,Japan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea,Turkey,Indonesia,Thailand,Philippines,Hong Kong,Vietnam,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait
- Other:Australia
Android App : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.yesvpn.en
We have 20 one-month accounts to giveaway for our readers - to participate in the giveaway simply re-tweet this post and comment below.
this deal looks sweet. Would
this deal looks sweet. Would love to get the vpn service.
looks like a sweet deal
looks like a sweet deal
nice deal
nice deal
Awesome service.
Nice Post this time. I'd love to try this VPN service.
hi i am a regular reader of
hi i am a regular reader of your site
Hi Sir,
I am very thankful to you for this give away, I am new to megaleecher and found it too much interesting, helpful and really very good site,
I am done with re tweet , please consider me a participant in this give away.
My twitter is ahmad297
Thank you,
I am done with retweeting, please consider me as a participant in this give away.
Thank you
i want this
its awesome if i get this... yeay!
VPN for Android
It is very usefull to have an android VPN solution.
like this... Will surely try
like this...
Will surely try this out..
I need a VPN account
Megaleecher is awesomw. I just like coming here more often than facebook. and why not it always has some surprises for me everyday. see, now i'm commenting for getting a free vPN account. oh please administrator, i want an account. i am also subscribed to your site's email. i like you on facebook.
VPN for Android
It is very usefull to have a PPTP VPN on your Android device.
i need the account plz
i need the account plz
Nice one!35+ country
Nice one!35+ country servers,sounds amazing!Count me in!
ReTweeted & following TWITTER
Awesome service!
Awesome service!
its not free ليس مجاني
its not free
ليس مجاني
very good, waitting!
It's a good thing,i like to
It's a good thing,i like to try this free vpn server
This sounds great.
This is great opportunity for
This is great opportunity for me. because I'm try unblock some websites like hulu. Thanks for awesome giveaway. Plz count me in.
Pao Chen
Here Thailand Lot's of site restricted. And It's very slow to connect to the sites outside the country because it's bandwidth limited by ISP.
Hi. This is My Tweet
Hi. This is My Tweet !!!
Thanx For this great Offer !!
Amazing!! Hope I get one
Amazing!! Hope I get one account! :)
vpn contest entry
So do we just tweet the post url?
Count me in..;)
Count me in..;)
Ohhh !
Ohhh !
thank for this giveaway
thank for this giveaway please count me in
I really need this thing
I really need this
Thank you very much for the
Thank you very much for the giveaway!
VPN account giveaway
once again, Grat giveaway.
Thanks Megaleecher.
Hope to win an account :
vpn giveaway
grat giveaway once again
thanks Megaleecher
free vpn
great stuff, I need it , thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway
I love it!
Thanks to Megaleecher
Thanks to Megaleecher
Thanks to Megaleecher
Here is mine retweet!
Thanks for the chance to win!
vpn gateway
tweeted on my profile..like to use vpn for anonymus download and prevent ip check..
nice giveaway.. I am
nice giveaway.. I am subscribe from megaleecher.net.
I would be really pleased if
I would be really pleased if i could have this VPN .....This is a great deal :)
Can I please have an account? My school's filter is like SOPA on steroids that even blocks wikipedia D:
wah can i get one?
wah can i get one?
Hope im can successfully grab
Hope im can successfully grab a free account. Thanks megaleecher and you are the best site for me.
hi, pls this looks nice, Hit
hi, pls this looks nice, Hit me with one,........
I Love VPN!
give me a try of this for this VPN =D
will buy it after this =D
I want this
Pleaseeeeee send me one
I want this
Pleaseeeee send me one
will give it a try :)
will give it a try :)
will give it a try :)
will give it a try :)
will give it a try :)
It's amazing
Hi, pls can you give vpn account, i would like to use it in Ghana. Thanx Stay Blessed.
Awesome. Definitely a must
Awesome. Definitely a must get!
Tweeted, Facebooked, +1 and,
Tweeted, Facebooked, +1 and, got my fingers crossed!
can you give me a free vpn account
Lets give it a try..thank you so much..:)
i would like to try this out it seems like a great thing :) show the love
I want to try vnp account.........
VPN !!!!!!!! Wow
I love vpn, i would like to try it. i cant wait to try the account. Thanx.
thanks for giving chance to
thanks for giving chance to participate, am thankful to free vpn and also to deepesh agarwal of megaleecher.net for this surprise.
VPN giveaway
thanks a lot
i recicive your e-mail
I won!Thanks VPNtraffic.com and megaleecher.net!
vpn giveaway
I won vpn giveaway..but where serial number..
i won this! thanks megaleecher!
i won this! thanks megaleecher!
Hey . I won this ... Thanx a
Hey . I won this ... Thanx a lot. !!!
How can I move further in this ...!!!
please send for me a free
please send for me a free vpn acount
Vpn acount
Vpn acount
Vpn acount
Vpn acount
hamed zahi iam from iran
hamed zahi iam from iran
I haven't received
I haven't received
I haven't received
I haven't received
wont vpn
Wont vpn acount
Best Canada Free VPN
I have been using a canada based free vpn service for a while:
Pretty smooth connection, and most important, absolutely FREE! FYI.
Want VPN
plz. send me one, bro.....
I use "Hotspot Shield" Free
I use "Hotspot Shield" Free VPN For Android to access all blocked websites. Moreover it is totally secured and your online activities will remain private. Check it out here - www.freevpn-android.com
Wont vpn acount
Wont vpn acount
I want VPN :)
I already re-tweet this :) Thankyou so much in advance :)
I want free VPN !
beam me up! thanks!
i want free vpn, thanks!
please give me an account^-^
Pleaseeeeee send me one vpn
Nice VPN !! please give me an account. thankyou
Please kindly give me one VPN free
Would you please give me one VPN free.
Your help would be appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Vpntraffic not working
2 days remaining to complete validity , but authentication error is showing when i connect vpntraffic. plz shut out it soon. We pay for 1 month for this service , but 1st 15 days works well then your problem start , either authentication error or bandwidth error . we write so many E-mails but not get any single reply from owner.
New World Order...
New World Order...
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