Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 00:38
Imagine the Oomph factor of holding an invisible umbrella which repels rain-drops using invisible Air, suitably named The Air Umbrella the gadget is an electronic device which creates an “air curtain” to repel raindrops.
The power of the air pushed and thus the size of the protection canopy can be manually adjusted, after usage the air-stick can be retracted to fit conveniently in your bag or pocket. Another advantage is that you don’t need to worry about having a dripping wet object around indoors.

Don't Keep Us In Suspense!
Who makes it (obviously Oriental)? What does it cost? Equally important, where can I buy one? When? Is it on the market now, or just vaporware?
Why post something that
Why post something that appears not to be available on the market?
What energy does it use to run?
You're talking about a lot of stuff. There are a lot of limitations using this. What if there is heavy wind? Will the air curtain last? I don't think so! How long will it run? What will be the cost of maintenance?
A good thought but needs a lot of rethinking.
I think it's a big fake / photoshop work:
Pic #1: how can you possibly handle an umbrella the way this kid is handling his/her "air unmbrella"? ...unless the air unmbrella is able to fly too!
Pic #2: the "umbrella effect" is due to air blowing at the top of the device... air blowing implies movement, so how can rain drops stay still (and don't tell me it's because taking a picture of moving objects "freeze" them; those are still drops, not picture of moving drops) ?
Pic#4: not photoshop - but, since when are umbrellas made of "platic bags"?
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