Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sat, 12/26/2009 - 14:43
Few days ago I shared a post on how to activate and setup BSNL 3G on your mobile phone, however, if you are using Apple iPhone 3G/3GS then sadly BSNL does not provide you any automated method to configure iPhone specific 3G settings, sending an SMS with iPhone as phone model to receive configuration settings result in the reply below.

After lots of tinkering I was able to get BSNL 3G working on my Apple iPhone 3G and surprisingly all it needs is a single APN value to get configured as demonstrated below.
To configure BSNL 3G you simply need to enter bsnlnet as APN value by navigating to Settings -> General -> Network -> Cellular Data Network -> APN as shown below.

Data Network
There aren't Cellular and then data network no more in my 3GS
GPS does not work with BSNL on iphone
Can't get the GPS to work on my iphone 3G with BSNL... any ideas?
Always says Location could not be found!
iPhone GPS
Arnab the iPhone has a aGPS (assisted GPS) unit which means it needs initial assistance from your cellphone towers to get its location first, if this is not working from your current location I would suggest trying this from another location in city and it should work.
a-gps not working with bsnl
Hello dude,
me also having the same problem , I am having 5800Xpress music with bsnl 3g new sim and i have all setting to connect the internet , but its not working even i moved to another city ,
please help me ... But if i changed the sim to Airtel it is working smoothly....
data roaming problem
i am using BSNL data plan with prepaid sim card in my apple i pad .
it is not working when i go another city in roaming
To configure BSNL 3G you
To configure BSNL 3G you simply need to enter bsnlnet as APN value by navigating to Settings -> General -> Network -> Cellular Data Network -> APN as shown below.
Cant activata bsnl 3g
I cant see network under general pption.also i seeit under mobile network.but when i type bsnlnet under APN nothing ok botton too.pls do help
Download Google maps and ull
Download Google maps and ull get the appropriate location of what u need,
I phone Inbuilt maps app lacks the detail info aff all this
iPhone 6 does not work in bsnl data
I had the same trouble, I went to
Settings - mobile data options - Mobile data network. Then changed APN in Mobile Data to bsnlnet.
It started working.
Thank you
Bsnl 3g
I have changed the apn settings but nothing happens plz tell me how to get settings for iPhone 3g
apn settings for iphone 3gs on cellone
Thanks a lot for your post on bsnlnet settings. They worked for me on my iphone 3gs. The help guys did not know anything!
iphone 3gs settings for 3g in delhi
@ Krishna Raman: Which geographical area does this work in? as it isnt working in delhi.
Sorry for the delay in
Sorry for the delay in replying but I am in Chennai. It works well.
Dunno if it will work with the same settings in tethering
Bsnl is not available in
Bsnl is not available in delhi ..instead u will have to use MTNL settings for your phone
can't connect 3g internet connection from iphone 3gs to laptop
Hi everyone,
Although i'm able to activate bsnl 3g sim card in my iphone 3gs but i'm not able to share the 3g internet connection to my laptop. If anyone know how to use iphone as a modem and share the 3g fast internet connection to laptop.Since i have asked many times to bsnl helpline they are not able to answer and some said that the settings for iphone tethering is not yet available. Eagerly waiting for the right answer.Thanks!
install mywi from cydia..
install mywi from cydia..
How did u activate BSNL 3g
How did u activate BSNL 3g sim card for iphone 3gs. Its not working for me at all.
Your comments will be highly valuable.
in the cellular data settings
in the cellular data settings as shown above after cellular data > MMS > the there is an option internet tethering.There select APN as bsnlnet leave username and password blank. Then Settings> General > network > Internet tethering > select ON . Thats it . Connect your iphone to laptop and once iphone is recognised by laptop you will see blue coloured screen at top of iphone and shows internet thethering and you can surf
cellone 3g setting for unlocked iphone 3gs you are awesome, "bsnlnet" setting works like a charm on iphone definetely works in chickmagalur, karnataka, india. thanks for cracking it....i broke my head for a week trying to get it to work....bsnl helpline is useless...they dont know any settings
bsnl iphone
Please let me know how to connect bsnl 3g to my laptop.
Wot about tv in iphone
Does anyone knows how to get the tv app for iPhone??
Wer to download it??
And even videocalls are also not possible with my 3g
iphone doesnt support live
iphone doesnt support live TV. For bsnl live TV a small application needs to be installed and iphone doesnt allow any apps to be installed outside apple store. Video calls are supported only on iphone 4
3g on net
Hi, i am using iphone 3g - 16 gb. Took bsnl 3g sim recently. Net works fine in the iphone but it does not come in my laptop. Initially when i was using Vodafone -there used to be an option for "internet tethering" under --> settings --> Network --> internet tethering. it used to work. now after keeping BSNL sim - the option it self is missing.
Could you help how do i connect net thorough iphone in my laptop.
Go to settings--> Network-->
Go to settings--> Network--> Cellular Data Network --> Internet Tethering
You have to scroll down the window to see the option. It will come after MMS.
If your are unable to see that option can do a restore settings from itunes depending upon your phone ( Unlocked or jail broken , Jail broken and unlocked phone may go to the original iphone settings, do it on your own risk (u should know how to jail break and unlock it again if it was a jailbroken phone)
vodafone gprs - iphone-net connectivity
vamsi: i am from hyderabad and i have vodafon gprs. what settings need to be given in internet tetheiring APN, Username and password
I am not able to use vodafon gprs on iphone. ur inputs will be of great help. Pl reply, if possible to
i have a 3G enable Bsnl number but sign of 3G is not appering on my Apple Iphone only the E sign is appering and the browsing speed is very slow.
Kinly help me regarding this .
Alternate No;7738343366
hey sanjay, first u need to
hey sanjay,
first u need to enable 3g in your iphone. and u should use a 3g network service (BSNL or MTNL)
that will do...
Does ESPN works with BSNL 3G in iPhone 3G?
I have iphone 3G. I have installed mobiTv from the app store and now i would like to watch ESPN on that.
Since BSNL has launched 3G services in pune, i was wondering whether I can watch ESPN on iphone or not?
Suggestion are welcome.
Worked for my jailbrocken iPhone 3GS (iOS 4.0)
Hello All,
Changing the APN to bsnlnet and post that restarting got me going on my jailbrocken iPhone 3GS (iOS 4.0).
Thanks a lot!
What is the APN for Internet Tethering for BSNL/iPhone ?
Does anyone know what the correct Internet Tethering APN settings are for iPhone on BSNL 3G? I already have 3G data services working (using 'bsnlnet' for Cellular Data APN), but Internet Tethering does not working with 'bsnlnet' as its APN. I am able to enable tethering and connect to my laptop, but there is no data flowing through (aka no surfing).. Anyone have this issue? Thanks in advance!!
bsnl 3g settings for iphone 4?
there are no edit options in cellular data in my jailbroken and unlocked iphone 4 . so cannot set up 3g settings ? please help
3G not working on iphone 3gs in indore
Recently BSNL has launched 3G service in indore but my iphone 3G is not working on 3G network. I have done settings for this. Given APN as bsnlnet in cellular data network. But it doesnt work.
when i moved to some nokia phone, the 3G works, it means that the service is activated on my sim.
Please let me know if there is any more settings to be done.
The phone is Iphone 3GS and OS is 3.0
BSNL 3G Android Setting
BSNL 3G Setting Android mobile phones.Just APN Name BSNLNET and connection bsnlnet and remove all other to default. Network mode GSM/WCDMA.
do I need to activate 3G service before doing this setting
Thanks for sharing this setting. I just got Apple iPhone 3G, I am using BSNL pre-paid sim card since many years. I used to get the SMS from BSNL that to activate 3G, type 'ACT 3G' and send it to 53733 (Rs. 21 will be deducted). So, my concern is that, before the setting described here, do I first need to activate the 3G service by sending the above SMS, or just by doing the setting described here, I will be able to use 3G.
Please reply.
It worked
Thanks a tonne.. i had been breaking my head with the BSNL helpline and the agent who i was trying to get the recharge from and could not activate my 3G connection... changing the APN worked like a charm! Now if i can work out the recharge trouble am good to go!Thank you thank you thank you
It works! Thank you
Worked like charm. I was trying to figure out APN on Vodafone card but you can find APN setting only if you put BSNL card in it.
Thats the trick!
iphone setting
i have an iphone 3gs, and recently bought a pre-paid BSNL sim... but the internet is not working on it before bnsl i had vodaphone on which net use to work all fine and i use to get all mails also,,, i also tried APN by putting bsnlnet... but it still dosent work as its ask for password username etc.. please keep as BSNL gys are not very tec savvy ... i am not able to figure out the problem yet...
ipad, BSNL 3G
I PUT BSNL 3G CARD IS APPLE I PAD RECTINA DISPLAY CARD ACTIVATED EVEN FM CARD I SEND ACT 3G SMS TO BSNL CARD IS ACTIVATED INFORM BY OPERATOR. EVEN APN- TRY WITH bsnlnet internet is not working on ipad Then I try with gprsppsmum but still is not working
bsnl 3g settings on iphone 3gs in UP India
I am in Uttar Pradesh. does someone know wat r d settings for my place.
What About Iphone 4.
I have a jailbroken Apple Iphone 4.
How can I activate Net/GPRS along with 3G video calling on APple IPHone 4 with Airtel or BSNL?
I am Still unable to find any clues regarding this.
Video calling
use skype or fringe to make video calls
Answers for Iphone and ipad users of BSNL 3G
First of all, good news BSNL 3G works with both iPhone 4 and iPAD. Tried and tested :)
Follow the steps:
For iPAD users,
First cut the Mini Sim into Micro SIM by using the AT&T card which comes with the IPAD tray as a reference
After this is done place it in the tray and then switch on ur iPAD after inserting the tray into the iPAD.
Then go into Home Screen -> Settings -> Cellular Data
Switch the Cellular Data to ON
Type in the APN settings : Apn :bsnlnet, Leave username and Password blank
Now go to Safari and start surfing ..
For Iphone4 Users,
First cut the Mini Sim into Micro SIM by using the AT&T card which comes with the IPhone tray as a reference
After this is done place it in the tray and then switch on ur iPAD after inserting the tray into the iPhone.
Then go into Home Screen -> Settings -> General -> network
Switch Enable 3G on
Cellular Data to ON
Type in APN settings: apn: bsnlnet, Leave all the other fields blank
Now go yo Safart and start surfing
To check for the usage look into General -> Usage -> Cellular Data
Hope this helps..
I have iPhone 4 32gb with iOS
I have iPhone 4 32gb with iOS 4.2 how can I jailbreak it. Tried to do with limer1a but it doesn't do. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Cellular data network tab missing
I cannot configure 3G on my iPhone 4 because the tab is missing and due to which I cannot add the APN name. Please let me know if you have a solution for this. Currently using my Airtel sim. Mail me on
Hey I was running from pillar to pole for activating 3g on my iphone 3gs. Never knew it was so simple. Thanks a lot!
video calling
how to activate video calling in iphone4 by bsnl 3g?
MMS, ANP settings
If u cant find APN Settings, get the latest SIM that enough.
i need MMS Setting for iphone 4 can any1 help me.
i google n found this settings.. MMS is active but unable to send MMS
mms settings
Mmsc proxy=
mms max message size = blank
mms ua pro furl=
i forgot 2 mention "BSNL MMS
i forgot 2 mention "BSNL MMS Setting for iphone "
Bsnl 3G problem with iPhone 3 gs
I m using iPhone 3 gs and bought Bsnl 3 g sim but have VPN not APN plz suggest me how I start 3G setting.
Beam Tele - Need APN Name
Hi All,
I would like to setup my iPhone 3GS. Please can one suggest the APN Name and what will be the User Name & Password. Your help is highly appreciated
BSNL GPRS settings
Hi all,
I am having a Palm Pre Plus and I want BSNL GPRS Settings for the same, I am from Andhra Pradesh.
Please help me in configuring my Palm Pre Plus.
it is working well, why BSNL
it is working well, why BSNL do not support iPhone? what a pity?Thanks buddy
it is working well, why BSNL
it is working well, why BSNL do not support iPhone? what a pity?Thanks buddy
BSNL 3g service is not getting activated with iphone 4
Hi All,
i am using Iphone 4 with BSNL 3g(Orissa) service, but I am not able to activate GPRS in my phone after changing the APN settings to bsnlnet and keepin rest fields blank. I even restarted the phone after changing the settings but still couldn activate net, Guyys please come up with a genuine solution. asap
it worked for me after lot of retry in iphone 4
Restarting iphone after changing the settings worked for me.. Try bsnlsouth over bsnlnet which gives 1.40mbs download speed instead of 0.18 mbps speed. Start enjoying tethering, all the best
Unable to send sms from iphone 3gs
hi, iam using iphone 3gs in airtel AP networks, iam facing problem in sending sms
only one out of ten SMS i send was sucess this was pretaining to only one mobile in perticular, and i had give complaint to customer care
Thanks for them
Now iam uable to send to any one
can any one help me out please.
Unable to send sms from iphone 3gs
hi, iam using iphone 3gs in airtel AP networks, iam facing problem in sending sms
only one out of ten SMS i send was sucess this was pretaining to only one mobile in perticular, and i had give complaint to customer care
Thanks for them
Now iam uable to send to any one
can any one help me out please.
hi guys, just bought a normal
hi guys, just bought a normal 3g sim card for my iphone 4s, but could not activate 3g service. i had tried with putting apn as bsnlnet, but still edge is working not 3g, do i have to activate some other palns .
can any body help.
I m sharing my Bsnl net
I m sharing my Bsnl net through hotspot Bt on laptop it is connecting Bt not working
hey guys...I got an iphone 3g
hey guys...I got an iphone 3g from a friend and i m using it by my old bsnl sim...but in it internet is not working and showing cellular data is not subscribe...what i should do..please anybody help.
I have iphone 3g but cellular
I have iphone 3g but cellular data is not activated in it.I m using bsnl 3g sim is compulsory in it?
Personal hotspot for BSNL 3G connection to my ipad
Hi all,
Is BSNL 3G supports personal hotspot function in ipad3, in Airtel it works for me. But in BSNL 3G Network it is not showing that option and Is this network supports for ipad?
iphone 3gs with ios6.1
The above settings are reachable only on lower version of ios. I run ios6.1 and how do i set these APN values? Any help here please?
thanks in advance
Unlocked Iphone 3gs and BSNL 2G-No service
I have iphone 3gs unlocked by the company .When I put the BSNL 2 G sim,it shows NO service.I m using bsnl 3g sim is compulsory in it?
connectivity of internet through BSNL on iphone 4s
i ve iphone 4s and i also ve similar problem, i ve 6.1 iphone nd it does not ve the settings shown above ....BSNL has no internet setting for this iphone
.... what should i do any suggestions .....
Tested on iOS 6.1.3
I tested this recently on a friends iPhone 5 with Apple iOS 6.1.3, so this should be working. Try these :
1). Make sure data services are activated on your device and you see the 3G symbol next to the network name.
2). Reset your network config, Do not do this if you have a jailbroken phone as cautioned here -
3). Now reboot your phone and enter bsnlnet as APN, reboot again and it should work.
BSNL 3G for iPad 4
I took BSNL 3G sim for my iPad 4. It works better in my home town Hyderabad, but when I go roaming to chennai or other place it never connects or works. I am always selecting carrier and restarting my there any solution for this to connect or work automatically when roaming.
This seems not an issue with
This seems not an issue with your SIM but network reception at the other location. Try it at other places while roaming.
to create hotspot using bsnl in ipad4
i have ipad4 n using bsnl 3g.. but there is no option comming to make a hotspot... is this a problem in bsnl that it doesnot provide hotspot facility or there is a problem in my pad...
'bsnlnet' settings works like a charm
thanks a ton for the help. works like a charm. Just restart after entering the settings and vollah!!
gprs settings for iPhone 4S
I am using Bsnl 3G on my Ipone 4S unfortunately when i am roaming out of own network circle(other state) . Iwent to google and searched for bsnl manual settings.Even then I am not getting GPRS.Can you help me out
gprs setting for iphone 5
i use a iphone 5 with R sim. bsnl .
there is no option of cellular data settings . hw to make changes in APN as there is no such option available in setting?
thx bro u r a gem......!
APN settings
Please send APN settings as I could not send/receive mms on my iPhone 3GS through cellone prepaid sim card
couldnot activate cellular data network worked... thanks a lot.(Just wrote bsnlnet in the APN and did reset)
That's nice 3G service. Keep
That's nice 3G service. Keep it up!
First You got a great Site .I
First You got a great Site .I will be interested in more similar topics. i see you got really very useful topics , i will be always checking your blog thanks.
check airtel prepaid balance 2G
It works!
Thank you for this article. I had a working 3G connection with bsnl for over an year on my iPhone 4. For some reasons for a few weeks, it stopped working completely. Edge was working though. I thought, something went wrong with the phone, as none of the recommended trouble shooting recommended in the apple official and forum site worked for me. I was thinking on buying another phone, before I hit on this article. This works for me! Great! Just need to set bsnlnet in the APN ..
network prob
i hav a iphn3gs32gb with serial num 88935d3v3nr and IMEI num 011948004758188.
i hav a prob in network whenever i keep a bsnl sim sometimes it wil be working suddenly all signals wil be gone and no service is comming at that tym i cannot cal or text anyone......what is the prob...any one pls help me to slove dis prob
BSNL 3G on iPhone5
I am using an iPhone 5 and have a sim from Kerala, I am in Odisha now and it is connected to the network and says 3G on my phone, but when i try to go online it says no internet connection. There is balance on my data account also in my main account. I went to BSNL and they couldn't help me too. Please let me know if there is anything I could try
my iphone 3gs shows as no SIM installed on installing bsnl card
my iphone 3gs shows as no SIM installed on installing bsnl card
Thanks a ton just a single
Thanks a ton just a single word entry-bsnlnet, works like a charm on my iPhone 3GS jailbroken
To add GPRS in my iPhone
To add GPRS in my iPhone
out of station 3g internet not working
Hi everyone,
Although i'm able to activate bsnl 3g sim card in my iphone 3gs but i'm out of city not able to share the 3g internet connection to my iphone. If anyone know how to use iphone as a modem and share the 3g fast internet connection .Since i have asked many times to bsnl helpline they are not able to answer and some said that the settings for iphone tethering is not yet available. Eagerly waiting for the right answer.Thanks
BSNL 3G roaming
It could be simply the fact that your roaming location does not have 3G coverage.
Iphone 3GS - 3G service is not working
I did MNP from airtel to BSNL. I enabled 3G as per the instruction given here.(Cellular Data ->APN = bsnlnet) then restarted the phone. Still it is not working. Even I restored the phone twice, does not help.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance...
Instruct Bsnl 3G
Instruct Bsnl 3G configuration
3G not working
I have tried above suggestions regarding 3G connectivity but it is no working for my iphone4s...please help me out
thanks it works
thanks it works
3g roaming
Thank you that was the easiest thing to do!
3G Not Working
Tried bsnlnet apn on my i phone 5. Not working. 3G symbol next to the network symbol is seen. However, still not working. Kindly help...
If you see the 3G symbol and
If you see the 3G symbol and browsing is working although with slow speed it means BSNL is not providing proper services in your area. This is a common issue with BSNL at many places, try the BSNL 3G on another mobile in same location to make sure this is not iPhone configuration specific.
iPhone 4S, BSNL 3G not working.
Hi, I am using iPhone 4S, I got BSNL 3G sim. The display shows "Cellone 3G" network. But I am not able to browse. I called BSNL customer care many times, but they failed to provide me the correct path. I even tried this path "Settings>Cellular>Cellular Data Network>APN=bsnlnet", but still I am not able to browse. Please help me on this.
Try this on Safari browser on
Try this on Safari browser on your phone-
BSNL 3G new user with iphone
Now its working for me bro, I just had to change the settings (Settings>Cellular>Cellular Data Network>APN=bsnlnet) and a SMS "START" to 1925 as I am a new user for BSNL (I am not sure whether sending SMS will work for other states, I am located in Karnataka, it might change per state, just confirm with the customer care, you need to clearly mention them as a "First Time User" in your conversation with the customer care service rep).
Thanks Abdul,
Thanks Abdul,
This after sending SMS to 1925. It worked for me too. I am from AP.
3g net on iphone 6 pluse
Tried bsnlnet apn on my i phone 6+. Not working. 3G symbol next to the network symbol is seen. However, still not giving 3g speed . Kindly help...
If you see the 3G symbol and
If you see the 3G symbol and browsing is working although with slow speed it means BSNL is not providing proper services in your area. This is a common issue with BSNL at many places, try the BSNL 3G on another mobile in same location to make sure this is not iPhone configuration specific.
For BSNL new users
If you are a BSNL new user, you might have to send SMS (START to 1925), it worked for me. I am located in karnataka, not sure whether it will for other states. just confirm with the Customer Service Center as a "new user".
I liked your content,
I liked your content, congratulations
I am from TN. SMS "START" to
I am from TN. SMS "START" to 1925 started working fine....Kudos to the response provided.
Thanks a ton..
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