Much awaited free online storage service GDrive launch seems nearby, but there is no need to wait for it as their exist lots of good free online file-storage and synchronization services like DropBox, FolderShare, SkyDrive and Box.Net to name a few, to make things even more interesting and competitive we now have a brand new startup to warm-up the online file-storage and synchronization service market, dubbed ZumoDrive the free (upto 1 GB) cloud storage and synchronization service works pretty similar to paid service LiveDrive letting users access there online data like local disk-drive, but with a HUGE difference which is unlike every other service ZumoDrive does not store local copies of your files until you choose to, this approach provides access to unlimited amount of data on your limited capacity devices, to further clarify the approach take this example - you can store as much music files as you like on ZumoDrive and Play your entire music library directly over the air without getting limited by your iPhone storage capacity.

ZumoDrive provides 1 GB free storage with option of paid-upgrades for more space, the service is currently in private beta and requires a invite code to signup, we have been provided with 200 exclusive beta invites codes for our blog readers, so hurry while they last.
- Visit the special invite page here, and click the Download button.
- Finish installing ZumoDrive client, and after launching click the Signup option.
- Enter invite code megaleecher filling up all the required details.
- Finish the setup wizard to complete the process and you are ready to go.
- You can now access your files from anywhere using the web-portal or installing the ZumoDrive client on computers and devices like iPhone.

With 1 GB free storage you must give this excellent service a try, 1 GB storage is sufficient for most users to backup their crucial data securely and reliably online.
Thank you, this seems pretty neat. =]
Fertility Is Hereditary, Chances Are If Your Parents Didn't Have Children Neither Will You
Ooh, interesting. I have a
Ooh, interesting. I have a project going with a friend in another city, and the latest live messenger doesn't seem to like shared folders, so I hope this can be used as a good substitute~
Awesome share..
Once again a superb story, thanks :)
thanks for sharing
thank you , i'll give it a shot
I uploaded my entire pictures folder (~730MB) and it went smoothly. Now when I change operating systems, or reformat my computer, I can still access them without having to add them all to my ipod, and can use the space for something else. 5 stars =]
Fertility Is Hereditary, Chances Are If Your Parents Didn't Have Children Neither Will You
Direct Registration
visit and register if you don't wanna install anything.
Cloud Storage and Cloud IT Solution is now at version 5.0
The cloud has become a lot more powerful with Cloud Storage and Cloud IT Solution 5.0. It is far more than just storage or backup. Not only you can backup files to the cloud, you can also move your entire file server, FTP server, email server, web server and backup system to the cloud. You can create sub-users and sub-groups; you can set different user roles; share different folders to different users with different permissions. For a small business, Cloud-based storage, backup, sharing and Cloud IT Solution can save you a lot of cost, while offering better, more secure and reliable services that can be accessed from anywhere.
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