Due to their small size mobile devices are very vulnerable to get stolen, but fear not there are many anti-theft utilities available for various mobile-phones letting you track and recover your stolen device similar to laptop theft-tracking utilities.
Luckily if you are using Apple iPhone you can not only track your device location but also remote control it, thanks to iLocalis - the best theft-tracking and remote control utility for Apple iPhone.

With iLocalis installed on your device you can keep track of device current location, share location with friends, remote control iPhone, create and restore remote backups, remotely wipe your device data, receive automatic SMS to a pre-configured number of choice if phone SIM is changed (for receiving thief's number and current location), prevent iTunes connection and restore when the iPhone is remotely locked, make remote phone calls and SMS, activate call forwarding remotely (comes very handy if you forget your iPhone and want to forward calls to another number).
iLocalis needs a jailbroken iPhone with Cydia installed and supports all firmware versions on iPhone 3G and 3GS :
Installing iLocalis :
- Launch Cydia, search for iLocalis and install it.
- Register for a free premium membership trial at iLocalis.com and use the login information on iLocalis application in your iPhone.
- Now your device is all setupped to get tracked and receive remote commands from iLocalis web-portal.

We have been provided with 3 premium and 7 basic accounts with six months of free services for our readers, do leave a comment or use the contact form above to grab one.
This looks awesome, would love a premium account.
Better than paying for mobileme.
email: invidious01@yahoo.com
Just looking for a rough idea at this stage, ideas advise, budget, etc nothing to crazy
hi want a preminum account, thx for this !
Sounds pretty chill. Email is sestilionator@gmail.com , if I can get an account
i need 1 premium account
could you provide 1 premium account for me?
i would like to try this app. It looks cool.
Thanks a lot for your help.i'm appreciated.
this is my email address: thedust07@gmail.com
Web Address wasn't workn 4 me.
Need that one...
Need that one... :)
I wouldverymuchlike a premium account!
How secure?
Is it hard for a thief to remove iLocalis once they steal it? It seems pretty useless if they can just reformat the phone or uninstall the program.
Sorry if I sound noob, I know little about phones. I've only ever had hand-me-downs.
would like a premium acct.
Sounds good after my son's iphone was stolen after a month of use would like some kind of help in case mine gets stolen
would love a premium account
Sounds great, would love a premium account...
Send one my way at nayanc@gmail.com
... I'd apreciate a premiun account for iLocalis!
Thank You
Thanks for the read, good article.
I have mobile me now, i want to see if this is better.
Nice features, looks promising..
Would really try to test it :P
email: vkcelik at gma1l.com
Too bad the phone needs to
Too bad the phone needs to be jailbroken, maybe not an app to fully trust?
Would Love an Account
Internet is just amazing!!
Like all my teammate i would appriciate a premium acount!!
Baptiste.frambourg at Gmail.com
Premium account left?
I'm probably too late, but would love a premium account. email is killsport (at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks!
I want one
That looks cool, and I really need that.
If you still have it available email me at geo32101@hotmail.com
Love It
I want the premium account!!!! It's a great program. cathedral1693@gmail.com
im from israel.. this
im from israel..
this program is the first one im looking for..
works grate.
very nice I also need premium account
my email sohailag1@hotmail.com
I am from Kenya
I am a guy from Kenya, Africa.
Here not all carriers have internet so does your iPhone need to be connected to the internet to be tracked???
send me a prem. acct
send me a prem. acct pleassseee...ivrsn3lebron@yahoo.com
i want this
please i want the premium account of this
i really need a premium account
my iphone was stolen and im getting another so please coould you sen me a premium account if not to late i really need it ad would appreciate it
email: jordanb1995@yahoo.com
Premium account pls?? ;)
Great app...can I have a premium account pls?? Georgetheofanous@hotmail.com...thnx
Premium account will be great
If you can give me a premium account, i would be very thankful. tjokroma@gmail.com
Premium account plz ?
Could you give me a premium account please ? =)
A premium account will be good
Thanks for this grate app
premium account will be grate
thanks for this great app
Please for a Premium Account
This app is great and I would really appreciate a premium account for the time being. Thank You
email me at: shattakid@aol.com
I want a premuim account :p
hello! i want this premium account very much. its such a great app that i cannot wait to have it. PLEASE GIVE ME ONE!! :p
haha. Thank !
email: congkai@hotmail.com
please for a premium acount
email: panathinaikosdtc@msn.com
Really this is very nice.
Really this is very nice.
Please a premium account for the new year's day !
... thanks so much and and happy new year ;-)
I want an account please!
Program looks awesome, i'd like a premium account!
An alternative for non-jailbroken
If you don't want to jailbreak try THIEF BUSTER. The only one app in the whole AppStore capable of restarting the app while you don't enter the right passcode. Accordng to the comments it will support GPS location in the next version.
I've tried many antitheft apps and all of them but this one are merely toys. If the thief presses the home button the antitheft app jus closes XD
trying out the basic version
trying out the basic version now, very useful in tracking the iphone as well as tracking ur friends :)
the premium edition seems better with the remote audio recording which will send back a clip file for a designated time frame^-^
would love to try and account
would love to try an account if you really are giving some away. please send me a trail account if this is real, would love to try service, seems like something I would use but not going to download on my computer for just a ten day trial. please send and if as good as says will buy membership
please send
please send
I'd love to have a free subscription!
I would like to get a premium
I would like to get a premium account too !!!
I'd like to have a premium
I'd like to have a premium subscription!
This is awesomecoukd you please get me a premium login
This is awesomecoukd you please get me a premium login
Premium account
Hey!! Can I have the premium login too??
iLOCALIS Premium Account
Great job on your blog!!! Nicely done. I would be ruined without my iPhone. If it's not too much trouble I'd love to secure it with the premium iLocalis option.
Thanx for your knowledge and for sharing the wealth, iPHONES ROCK!!!!
iLocalis Premium Account
Really great job !!!nice work to build this nice software...my first 1 phone was stolen from a damn guy on my work after 2 years ago i bought a new one now i hope with your nice tool that dont happend anymore!!!!and when yes he get now big problems with me! thank you mr i would be nice when i can get a account....
really nice software go dude! go!
need premium acc
This is awesome coukd you please get me a premium login
need premium acc
please....... i really need one premium account
Good job! Can I get one
Good job! Can I get one premium account?
Premium Account
I want to have a premium account.
Very nice
Can I have premium acccount? Thanks!
Premium account
Can I also get a premium account please? Thank you so much in advance!
I want a premium account. I
I want a premium account. I need this type of app for any type of situation.
i would like to have a premium account
please can i get a premium account
i like this app
thank you
premium account?
I would like a premium account
I would like to have a premium account
Can I also get a premium account please? Thank you so much in advance!
thanks you
a premium account
Can I also get a premium account please? Thank you so much in advance!
wow looks really useful thx
wow looks really useful thx guys =)
would love to have premium account
would love to have premium account please....
oh!!!it"s look damn graet
hope the app's workn on my on my iphone
email : breeze.wizard@gmail.com
need a/c too thanx in advance
Please provide an account for me too.
great app 1 premium account
great app
1 premium account for me
Hi. I want to test this app. Can I have a premium account too? My email address is: obotones@gmail.com
Fantastic App
Been looking it up and it just seems too good to be true!
Please can i have 1 premium account :)
good app
thanks, pls can I have a premium account
my email is andes@hotmail.com
Please give me a premium
Please give me a premium account.
like one
i like to have 1 account too.thank you very much
Love to have a premium
Love to have a premium account
I would love to have a premium account for this!!
ive been looking for an app like this! my iphone was stolen before i knew that there are apps like this... and now i would love to get this one since i have my other iphone.. thanks!
Premium account
Could you please send me a premium account? My email is: hai.lnt@gmail.com. Thanks!
Premium account
please i need a Premium account
i saw this article, i
i saw this article, i installed ilocalis from cydia, but now my iphone is locked, and i have to pay 15euro to unlock !!
i'm angry with you
premium account
Hi there,
Can you please send me the premium account too please?
Thank you
premium account
waaw i really want this application on my iphone,would you please send me a premium account ??
premium account please
Hi. I want to test this app. Can I have a premium account too?
well,that's awesome,can u
well,that's awesome,can u give me the premium account?
Free Account??
Hi there. I am searching around to find the BEST finder/tracker,to use on all iphones we have for ours employees,to do safety and location. So i hope u can send me a free account,to check yours version out. Regards
Can you please send me the
Can you please send me the premium account too please?
need this one for travel
need this one for travel
Premium account please
I want to test this app also.
I am using the Mobileme account right now, but I like your set of features.
Can I have a premium account too?
Premium account required
Seems to be a good App,can I have the premium account details at my email-I'd : kaushik_sharma@hotmail.com , Thanks.
Premium account required
Seems to be a good App,can I have the premium account details at my email-I'd : kaushik_sharma@hotmail.com , Thanks.
Please can i have one account
Please can i have one account premium? Thank you very much. paolo [DOT] forum [AT] gmail [DOT] com
premium account needed thnk u.
please send me log in info for free premium account....thank u.
premium account
Please can i have one premium account? Thank you very much.
Premium account required
Really a nice app, would love to use a premium account.
Criminals !
I hate thieves i have all useless anti-theft apps on my phone but i think this is the best tweak ever can i get one please ? :D
have a good day to all.
Premium account request
I rad several articles about safety and this is for sure one of the best. I apreciate to have the Premium account. Can you send it to me?
thanks in forward
wish you a nice time
try cLingee
iphone anti theft
why isn't cLingee up for consideration? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/clingee/id636469444?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D2
findmyiphone can do this as well...
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