Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sun, 01/26/2014 - 09:00
We have shared numerous gadget and smart-watch concepts, but this one is "the best" of them all. The design concpet is based on the slim form factor of Nike FuelBand but incorporating UI components from iOS 7. The front of the device is a curved touchscreen and there’s a single Home button on the left-hand side, with two more buttons on the right-side for volume control. The whole concept of having a fully-functional smart-phone interface in your wristband is simply brilliant, just imagine the ease of use and fun of having a uber-cool smart-watch, cellphone and fitness tracker all placed nicely on your waistband. DO NOT MISS THE EXCELLENT CONCEPT VIDEO POSTED BELOW SHOWING UI IN ACTION.

Concept credit and more images at :
iWatch Concept great innovation
very excellent UI and concept
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