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Opera 11

Opera 11 Beta Download Now Available Introducing Tab Stacking

After introducing browser extension in Opera 11 Alpha the new Opera 11 Beta build is out now adding another major functionality labelled "Tab Stacking". The new functionality is basically a tab-grouping feature allowing users to stack their tabs, grouping them by site or by theme reducing clutter making it easier to identify and work with sets of open tabs.

Opera 11 Tab Grouping

A video demonstration with other new features and improvements is posted after the jump.

Opera 11 Introduces Extensions - Popular Browser Addons Like Easy Youtube Video Downloader Starting To Appear In Catalog

Opera 11 Alpha is now available for public download fulfilling one of the most wanted feature request enabling support for browser extensions, introduction of browser Extensions now allows users to easily add new functionality to their Opera web-browser. To get started with addons users just need to click a button from the addon page hosted at Opera Extension Catalog and a small install window will appear confirming the install.

Opera Extension

Apart from introducing this major feature Opera 11 also comes with a host of improvements notable being an updated Presto 2.6.37 layout rendering engine promising a faster web-experience.

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