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Mozilla Seabird

Mozilla Seabird - Promising New Concept Mobile Phone From Mozilla Labs

Mozilla the team behind popular web-browser project Firefox is all set to dive into mobile niche, the non-profit organization Mozilla Foundation has taken a step forward to develop an all new Boot 2 Gecko(B2G) mobile-OS project to empower mobile computing platforms.

To make things easier and more compatible with hardware stacks, Mozilla will be taking some of Android's code and will add a new UI and application stack pulled from Firefox's cross-platform layout engine Gecko. Mozilla has also said this would not be just another custom-ui over android and they won't be adopting the Java language used in Android and will also not support native code programming.

A video demonstration of Mozilla Seabird the first concept phone is out now and available after the jump. With some very impressive hardware specs like an 8MP camera, two pico-projectors, inductive wireless charging, IR+haptic feedback based bluetooth headset, mini-usb and an innovative and powerful software back-end this concept is something to definitely look out for.

Mozilla Seabird Mobile Phone Concept
Mozilla Seabird Mobile Phone Concept
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