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Direct Download Link Firefox 7

Download Firefox 6 Final And Firefox 7 Beta 1

Firefox Logo MediumMozilla has adopted the Rapid-release strategy with new major browser version number release channels for each version (alpha, beta and stable) of it's Firefox web-browser, sticking to the plan Mozilla has made Firefox 6 Final (stable channel) and Firefox 7 Beta 1 (Beta Channel) available publicly to Windows, Mac and Linux users.

Firefox URL Highlight Feature

Firefox 6 Final claims to provide better startup-speed, memory-consumption and performance to it's predecessors, the release also feature numerous fixes and fortify's overall browser security. The other release Firefox 7 Beta 1 (Beta Channel) features major memory optimizations by incorporating Mozilla's MemShrink optimizations and better Javascript garbage collector, Firefox 7 will also feature tools to help developers measure load times and offer faster Synchronization of bookmarks and passwords.

Click "Read More" link to access direct download links for both Firefox 6 Final and Firefox 7 Beta 1.

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