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Flashing Samsung Galaxy S Using ODIN

Rooting Google Android OS v 2.3.5 XXJVT

How To Root Samsung Galaxy S Firmware I9000XXJVS

We have downloaded and flashed the all new Samsung Galaxy S firmware I9000XXJVS and the next step is to root it and get the powerful SuperUser benefits, here is how to do this using popular ChainFire root using ODIN (just download the Google Android 2.3.5 compatible root file CF-Root-XX_OXA_JVS-v4.1-CWM3RFS.tar from the links below and flash using ODIN with settings as shown below).

ODIN Configuration To Root I9000XXJVS

ODIN Settings For Rooting

How To Flash Android 2.3.5 I9000XXJVS For Samsung Galaxy S Using ODIN

Yesterday we got our hands on the latest leaked stock firmware I9000XXJVS for Samsung Galaxy S cellphone, if you are wondering how to get this flashed onto your device here is the answer.

Just download the ODIN flashing utility (direct download link at the end of this post)and make sure to browse for all the files and use settings as shown below to have a successful flash.

PIT : s1_odin_20100512.pit
PDA : CODE_I9000XXJVS_CL565837_REV03_user_low_ship.tar
PHONE : MODEM_I9000XXJVS_REV_00_CL1059471.tar

Make sure to have re-partition, Auto Reboot, F. Reset Time and Phone Bootloader Update settings checked before starting the process.

Samsung Galaxy 2.3.5 ODIN Flash Settings
Samsung Galaxy 2.3.5 ODIN Flash Settings
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