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ODIN Android MAC

How To Download Latest Google Android OS v 2.3.5 XXJVT On Samsung Galaxy SI9000 And Flash Using Cross-platform Heimdall Flashing Tool

If you are looking for an android firmware flashing tool like ODIN for Linux or MAC, free cross-platform utility Heimdall is the answer. While Odin is a leaked internal Samsung software, Heimdall is an open-source, cross-platform tool suite to flash ROM's onto Samsung Galaxy S devices - Heimdall uses the same protocol as Odin but is easier to use and supports cross-platform operation.

Here is an step-by-step illustrated tutorial on how to flash the latest Heimdall stock firmware packages for GT-I9000 (2.3.5, XXJVT) on Samsung Galaxy S I9000.

Heimdall Flashing Tool

Heimdall Flashing Tool

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