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Screenshot Software

Review of Best Snapshot Programs for Windows 8

Windows is the most widely used operating system in the world, with around 90% of computer owners using it on their machines. Windows 8 is its last iteration and it came with some pretty big changes that involve a new Start screen that was more suitable for tablet devices. Still, Windows 8 brings quite a lot of functionalities to the table, and it’s overall a very stable operating system.
Taking screenshots in this operating system is very important, as it allows you to communicate in a visual manner with other users. Sending the images you currently see on your screen to friends or workmates can help you a lot when working on a large project for example. It’s also quite useful when it comes to sharing experiences with your friends.

Top 5 Free Snapshot Software for Windows 8

Skitch - is a basic and free screenshot taking application that brings ease of use and fast processing times into account. It has a unique interface that brings ease of use into account, making it a good choice especially for beginners.

Pros: Very fast and easy to use.
Cons: Sometimes it doesn’t capture the desired area due to unknown bugs.

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