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WiFi Privacy

How Can You Protect Your Home Network and Why?

A Wi-Fi router is a gadget you can probably find at almost every home. It enables all outgoing and incoming traffic and controls which device can access your Wi-Fi network (PCs, laptops, phones, tablets, etc.).

SterJo Wireless Passwords - The simple and fast trick to reveal Wifi passwords...

In the high-tech society of modern day, internet is something that more and more people throughout the world utilize to get information and connect to other people across the globe. Life today is practically unimaginable without an internet connection. Internet has gone from it's dial-up beginnings to the complete wireless network coverages of today. Smartphones, PC's, laptops, IPads etc no longer require a cable to log into the magical world of the internet.The introduction of Wi-Fi networks has made practically any info available for people at the palm of their hand with a simple click. Almost every modern household today has a Wi-Fi network. As we all know, due to a simple matter of security, each Wi-Fi network has a password that potential users have to enter in order to log into it. Now, it is generally known that the more complicated the password is, the harder it is for someone to crack it.That is why people have gone from using the birthdates of themselves or loved ones, addresses of living, license plates numbers and etc to a more complicated solution that often involves more characters and some combination of letters, numbers, symbols and capital/lower case typing. This has made it much harder for potential intruders to hack the password and use the Wi-Fi network for free, but it logically also affects remembering such a complicated entry. And if you're one of the hundreds if not thousands of people that don't write their password down somewhere, then you have eventually forgotten your own Wi-Fi password at least once until this point. This is where a simple and easy-to-use software tool comes very handy.

WiFi Password Cracker

The SterJo Wireless Passwords is a great solution if you ever encounter such a problem. First of all, it is free for downloading, therefore you don't have to pay anything for this excellent solution. Secondly, it is very efficient in doing it's job, most similar tools that are available online (and for a good part of which you have to pay in order to get them) can only envy this great piece of software. Also, it is very easy to use – a simple click solves the problem in a matter of seconds. And last but not the least, it doesn't use up practically any space on the PC at all, so you can say that this tool has the full package.

WiFi Hotspot Protector For Apple iOS Devices - always on guard for safety of your sensitive data

WiFi Hotspot ProtectorWith nearly 5 million WiFi hotspots available worldwide, it’s easy to chat, shop online, pay for the services and work no matter where you are. Airports, hotels, coffee shops, malls, and parks have public WiFi hotspots. But except for travelers and freelancers, these places attract hackers and identity thieves.

Even inexperienced cyber criminals can set up a rogue access point, so-called evil twin, perform a ‘man in the middle’ attack, and begin eavesdropping on / ‘sniffing’ your traffic. You might think you are talking to your friend and sent your password to a man-in-the-middle. You may think you are connecting to the Starbucks WiFi hotspot when actually connecting to an evil twin and letting someone install malware on your device or clone your identity.

That is when WiFi Hotspot Protector comes in handy. This new security app is always on guard for the safety of your sensitive emails, credit card information, photos and passwords from your accounts. No need to stop using the speedy internet in WiFi hotspots. Each time you are using public hotspots with WiFi Hotspot Protector, you are safe.

WiFi Hotspot Protector For Apple iOS Devices
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