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iOS App

Portal : Simple File-Transfer Over WiFi For Apple iOS And Google Android

Portal App LogoPortal is new mobile app for Apple iOS and Google Android OS users which makes transferring pictures, videos, and other files from your computer onto your phone simple. All it takes is to open the app and pull up on your computer and you're ready to go for easy drag-and-drop file transfers. Files are transferred over your WiFi connection. This means they don't count toward your mobile data limit and that files are transferred very quickly (even if they're over 1 GB in size). Users can transfer individual files, multiple files, or entire folders at once. Also, Pictures transferred with Portal are automatically put into your phone's Gallery.

Portal App

WiFi Hotspot Protector For Apple iOS Devices - always on guard for safety of your sensitive data

WiFi Hotspot ProtectorWith nearly 5 million WiFi hotspots available worldwide, it’s easy to chat, shop online, pay for the services and work no matter where you are. Airports, hotels, coffee shops, malls, and parks have public WiFi hotspots. But except for travelers and freelancers, these places attract hackers and identity thieves.

Even inexperienced cyber criminals can set up a rogue access point, so-called evil twin, perform a ‘man in the middle’ attack, and begin eavesdropping on / ‘sniffing’ your traffic. You might think you are talking to your friend and sent your password to a man-in-the-middle. You may think you are connecting to the Starbucks WiFi hotspot when actually connecting to an evil twin and letting someone install malware on your device or clone your identity.

That is when WiFi Hotspot Protector comes in handy. This new security app is always on guard for the safety of your sensitive emails, credit card information, photos and passwords from your accounts. No need to stop using the speedy internet in WiFi hotspots. Each time you are using public hotspots with WiFi Hotspot Protector, you are safe.

WiFi Hotspot Protector For Apple iOS Devices
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