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Download From Rapidshare

Megaupload Downloader - Working Free Downloading Utility For Various File Locker And Video Services

We have shared lots of services and tools facilitating hassle free downloads from one-click file hosters like LeechPack, RDesc, Mipony, RSFind, FreeRapid, Tucan Manager, Rapidshare Auto Downloader, Rapidshare Plus, Instant Megaupload Download, CryptoLoad, RapidShare Inspector and RapidLeecher etc., many of these tools are now obsolete and have been replaced by all-in-one tools capable of downloading from many services.

Free and open-source utility Megaupload Downloader is one such software designed to let users download files, easily and without limits from file-hosting sites like Megaupload, Rapidshare, Mediafire, EasyShare, DivShare,, Youtube, Vimeo, MegaVideo and many others.

Megaupload Downloader

Megaupload Downloader is as easy to use as it can get, everything is automated once links get copied to the utility, add to that various service plugins are available for users to expand the supported service list. If this is not enough the utility also supports downloading videos from sites like Veoh, Megavideo and YouTube.

RapidLeecher Ultimate 2007 With Fully Automatic Image Decoding !

Rapidshare Ultimate 2007 is a free software to download files from the world's largest file-sharing network Rapidshare, based on the source code donated by previous RapidLeecher author this version automatically decodes the image code allowing you to use the service without any hassle in a more easy way, RapidLeecher 2007 can run into fully automatic mode residing into system tray using minimal system resources monitoring user clipboard and autostart file download from rapidshare in background as soon as a rapidshare link is copied into the clipboard. The free software has support for proxy servers so that you can download many files at the same time (using different proxy). and multiple instance of the software.

Main Features Include -

1. Fully Automated Downloading supporting a semi-automatic option.
2. Automatic CAPTCHA Image Detection.
3. Auto start at system boot with system tray support.
4. Clipboard monitoring.
5. Silent operation mode, will sit and wait for links in system tray.
6. Pr@xy Support for simultaneous downloads and unlimited downloading.
7. Inbuilt Downloader with detailed static's.
8. Full installer and uninstaller.
9. Very simple to use.
10. Pleasant, easy to use interface.
11. Constantly Updated.
12. Adware & Spyware Free.
13. Support is provided for users with quick BUG FIXES
14. Best of All its FREE & SAFE.

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