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Hacking iPhone

iPhone 4 Remotely Locked Via "Apple Find My Phone"

Few days ago I was socked to know that somebody has managed to hack into my "Find My iPhone" Apple account and remotely locked my phone using a new passcode (since I was not using one), sadly the old hacks to reset the forgotten iPhone passcode did not work as Apple patched the security hole in newer iOS 5 builds.

iPhone 4 Locked Via Apple Find My Phone
iPhone 4 Locked Via Apple Find My Phone

How To Reset Forgotten iPhone Lock Passcode

We had shared tips on how to reset forgotten iPod screen-lock code and iPod volume lock PIN, if you are facing the same problem with your iPhone or iPod Touch until recently you were out of luck as the only option was to do a fresh restore but now new utility RMPassword lets you reset your iPhone lock passcode easily on a MAC OS X.

Wrong iPhone Passcode

To get your iPhone lock code resetted follow the simple hack as described next, for this to work your iPhone must be jailbroken with Wi-Fi connectivity and should have OpenSSH installed.

Create iPhone Bootable USB Disk And Use It To Install Windows XP/7/Vista, Create Rescue Disk, Run Live Distros And Much More

Having a bootable USB disk drive comes in handy, and what else can be better then to have your bootable computer rescue kit or favorite linux distro right with you on your iPhone, as my previous post shared how you can make your iPhone work as a mass storage device somebody used USB Drive creatively making it work as a bootable disk drive which lets you use iPhone as a bootable computer rescue kit, launch Windows setup, and use other bootable USB distros/live cd's.

Significant Progress Made By iPhone Dev Team For Unlocking iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G UnlockingThe iPhone cracker group iPhone Dev Team have made a significant progress in hacking into Apple iPhone 3G baseband required for unlocking of iPhone 3G, the group posted pictures and videos demonstrating their success, Apple iPhone earlier version can be jailbroken and unlocked using group's PwNage utility.

Video Demonstrating iPhone 3G BaseBand Hack
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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