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iTunes Store Error

How to fix iTunes Error Code 1015

Fix for iTunes firmware restore Error Code 1600

With all the IPSW firmware versions, various Apple devices and a variety of tools for jailbreaking the whole process becomes very confusing. While working with custom firmwares and jailbreaking one must follow the correct sequence of steps with right tools and software versions, otherwise iTunes throws an error and the device gets locked down in a restore or DFU loop.

One such often encountered error while restoring an custom IPSW file using iTunes is - "An unknown error occurred (Error 1600)." as shown below.

IPSW restore error 1600

Solution for iTunes firmware restore error 3194 and 1600

Apple blocks users from restoring older iOS firmware's, while this is a good security feature and a method to avoid OS fragmentation. This also prevents users from using jailbroken and carrier-unlockable software versions.

This practice makes iOS upgrade difficult for users relying on software unlock like ultrasn0w which is supported on older basebands only, If you are trying to upgrade an Apple device to an non-supported iOS version even when using TinyUmbrella - the iTunes restore process may throw up error 3194 and 1600 as shown below.

iTunes firmware error 3194
itunes error 1600

Here are solutions to get past these errors and flash custom, snowbreezed IPSW files to your Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod's.

Fixing iTunes Store Error - 3259 Resulting in Failed Downloads

Apple iTunes is an versatile software and like any other complex software is prone to errors and compatibility issues, one of the most common iTunes store error would be -3259 download error.

iTunes Store Error -3259

The error occurs when iTunes is unable to communicate with server because of network or permission error, you are shown one of the following error :

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