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Comodo System-Cleaner - Free Computer Maintenance Utility

Comodo System-CleanerSoftware vendor Comodo is churning out some great free software these days, after delivering a promising secure web-browser Dragon Internet Browser the company is now offering an absolutely free Windows maintenance utility dubbed "Comodo System-Cleaner", the utility supports almost all platform of Windows and features a junk file-cleaner, disk registry-cleaner, and an privacy cleaner including unique feature SafeDelete™ which safeguards users against accidental file deletions.

Comodo Dragon Internet Browser - A More Secure Chromium Sibling

Comodo DragonGoogle Chrome is doing great slowly gaining web-browser market share, now you can enjoy the same web-browsing experience using a more security hardened version of Chromium code-base developed by well-known security software vendor 'Comodo', the all new Comodo Dragon Internet Browser features greater stability, less memory bloat, improved privacy, easy SSL certificate identification, faster website access, more private Incognito mode which also stops cookies, and easy migration from your existing browser.

Secure Comodo Dragon Web Browser

Since Comodo Dragon is based on same Chromium code-base which powers Google Chrome plus some more performance and security tweaks the browser looks pretty fast in initial usage, the new look and feel also makes it a good alternative to Google Chrome.

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