Much awaited Greenpois0n jailbreaking utility for iDevices is finally available for download, just two days GeoHot surprised everybody by releasing his Limera1n jailbreak capable of pwning all iDevices running iOS 4.1 or later. Unexpected release of Limera1n made Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team postpone their jailbreaking tools to avoid exposing SHAtter exploit to Apple, Now, Chronic Dev Team has gone ahead with the release of Greenpois0n but without exposing SHAtter and using the GeoHot's already exposed bootrom USB exploit.

greenpois0n only works on iOS Firmware 4.1 supporting iPhone 3G S, iPod touch (4th Generation, iPod touch (3rd Generation) and iPad for now. If you are on a lower firmware make sure you use TinyUmbrella to preserve your baseband.
Greenpois0n Download Links [File : Size: 345 KB] :
God bless you guys...
u mention that greenpois0n
u mention that greenpois0n only works on iOS Firmware 4.1 supporting iPhone 3G S, iPod touch (4th Generation, iPod touch (3rd Generation) and iPad for now. From what I know, it support iphone 4 as well am I not right?
Is this jailbreak reverssible?
I have been waiting for the jailbreak for my iphone 4 (4.1 firmware), but the only thing that I am curious to know is that 1) is the jailbreak reversible and 2) does jail breaking your iphone slow down the performance of the phone and 3) which among the two jailbreak software that is posted here is more stable and reliable to use? (Limera1n or greenpoison). I'll be really grateful if you could clarify this for me.
Hi there
Hi, I have a question, this is a .exe file, this doesnt works for mac right?
Do you know where can I found a mac jailbreak?
Greenpois0n Download Links :
Windows :
Linux :
Mac :
I was wondering if it works
I was wondering if it works for all ipod touchs
does this work for all ipod
does this work for all ipod touchs
Greenpoison is not available at given mirror..
download link updated
new download link updated.
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