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Greenpois0n iPad Jailbreak

Greenpois0n Jail-breaking Tool Is Here, Download Now

Much awaited Greenpois0n jailbreaking utility for iDevices is finally available for download, just two days GeoHot surprised everybody by releasing his Limera1n jailbreak capable of pwning all iDevices running iOS 4.1 or later. Unexpected release of Limera1n made Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team postpone their jailbreaking tools to avoid exposing SHAtter exploit to Apple, Now, Chronic Dev Team has gone ahead with the release of Greenpois0n but without exposing SHAtter and using the GeoHot's already exposed bootrom USB exploit.

Greenpois0n Main Interface

Apple iPad Jailbreaking Tool Greenpois0n Under Development By P0sixninja

Apple iPad BoxApple started taking iPad pre-orders from March 15 and approximately more then 120,000 units are already booked, now iPhone hackers are busy exploiting vulnerabilities in iPhone OS 3.2 for a proper iPad jailbreak when the product finally starts shipping.

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