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iPad Jailbreak Tool

Greenpois0n Jail-breaking Tool Is Here, Download Now

Much awaited Greenpois0n jailbreaking utility for iDevices is finally available for download, just two days GeoHot surprised everybody by releasing his Limera1n jailbreak capable of pwning all iDevices running iOS 4.1 or later. Unexpected release of Limera1n made Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team postpone their jailbreaking tools to avoid exposing SHAtter exploit to Apple, Now, Chronic Dev Team has gone ahead with the release of Greenpois0n but without exposing SHAtter and using the GeoHot's already exposed bootrom USB exploit.

Greenpois0n Main Interface

"Spirit" Now Ported To Apple iPad, Expect An Fully Funtional iPad Jailbreak Soon

Apple iPad LogoAs expected and blogged about few days ago userland jailbreak "Spirit" is now successfully ported to Apple iPad courtesy of iPhone Dev Team member MuscleNerd, within a day of sale the iPad OS 3.2 is been exploited allowing jail-breakers to get access to the root of the system, the hack which is a variation of "Spirit jailbreak" recently used to successfully exploit iPhone OS 3.1.3 is expected to use the same browser-based exploit allowing users to jailbreak their iDevices without any complicated process right from their mobile Safari web-browser.

Spirit Jailbreak For Apple iPad

In an video MuscleNerd demonstrated his very early work on porting the "Spirit" jailbreak to Apple iPad which allowed him to login into iPad as root, quite some works is still needed to have an full-functional, consumer-grade jailbreak from this point but it's now only a matter of time and effort as hackers have now access to the inner workings of the OS via this exploit.

Spirit - New Browser-Based Jailbreak For iPhone 3.1.3, Might Work On iPad

In earlier iPhone 1.x days getting your iPhone jail-broken was damn easy and all you need to do was to point your safari web-browser to the jailbreaking page and you could enjoy an instant jailbreak, this type of jailbreak known as a "Userland Jailbreak" seems to be eminent for iPhone OS 3.1.3 as demonstrated by a new video released by user Comex as proof.

Apple iPad Jailbreak

The new jailbreak will work on all iPod Touch and iPhone models (iPod Touch 1G, 2G, 3G and iPhone 1G, 2G, 3G, 3GS) untethered on iPhone firmware 3.1.3, since this jailbreak seems to work good on newer bootrom this could be the iPad Jail-breaking utility eager users are waiting for.

Apple iPad Jailbreaking Tool Greenpois0n Under Development By P0sixninja

Apple iPad BoxApple started taking iPad pre-orders from March 15 and approximately more then 120,000 units are already booked, now iPhone hackers are busy exploiting vulnerabilities in iPhone OS 3.2 for a proper iPad jailbreak when the product finally starts shipping.

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