Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 07:22
Google and privacy does not go along very well, we have shared insightful videos like "The Google Master Plan" as well as humorous takes on the subject like "The Google Toilet" and "Google After 20 Years". Recently, Google made a major change to their "Privacy Policy" and unified it across all there services, once again raising eyebrows - here is a funny take on what happens when you ask Google about there privacy policy.

Continued after the jump...

Via : reddit
kya nikla google Ha Ha Ha
kya nikla google
Ha Ha Ha
Super funny !
Hahaha ! i just love megaleecher , keep following every post .. lol the google toilet previous post was freaking hilarious and now this one ... Well , it seems like google actually will crawl up ur a$$ very very soon !
It's gone
That entire section has been deleted they deleted it lol
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