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Ask Google & Yahoo - Who Is A Failure ?

Ask Google and >Yahoo for "Who Is A Failure" and both will return George W. Bush's official White House page as the top result.

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 Available To Microsoft Connect Users!!

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1Users on several Windows forums and websites are reporting to have received an email from Microsoft Connect to download Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 for testing purposes.

The email said to have sent by Microsoft Internet Explorer Team:

Windows Live SkyDrive - Free 25 GB Secure Online Storage

SkyDriveMicrosoft's free online storage service Windows Live SkyDrive is now out of beta and now made available for users in 38 countries - USA, Great Britain, India, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Turkey.

SkyDrive Screen

SkyDrive lets you store upto 5 GB 25 GB of data using an easy to use online interface, you can choose to mark your files and folders as private, shared with fiends of public, users can embed and link files/folders in web pages to allow downloading directly from your website. By means of RSS feeds subscribers can automatically be notified about new file uploads.

Try Firefox 3 Beta Without Affecting Your Older Firefox Installation

Firefox 3Recently Firefox 3 Beta 3 got released for download, and like everybody else I was tempted to test the browser, but lack of support for my old extensions and the BETA tag prevented me to upgrade, fearing loss of my existing pimped up browser configuration, but there existed a solution for my problem allowing me to use Firefox 3 Beta with my older version of Firefox, and that was portable Firefox 3 Beta 3 meant for portable devices like removable USB drives, I tweaked the existing portable version to make it more suitable and efficient for installation on hard-disk usage and here it is for you to enjoy the much improved Firefox 3 Beta 3.

Firefox 3

Faster performance and new sleeker GUI makes working with Firefox 3 a pleasant experience, With nearly 2 million lines of code changes, fixing more than 12,000 issues - Firefox 3 is based on the new new Gecko 1.9 Web rendering platform, including major re-architecting for performance, stability, correctness, and code simplification and sustainability.

The most notable changes in this version are:

  • Location bar & auto-complete: type in all or part of the title, tag or address of a page to see a list of matches from your history and bookmarks; a new display makes it easier to scan through the matching results and find that page you're looking for. New in Beta 3 is an improved search algorithm which calculates the recency and frequency of a visit to come up with a frecency score that is used to determine the most relevant results.

  • New Firefox 3 Location bar
  • Download & Install Add-ons: the Add-ons Manager can now be used to download and install a Firefox customization from the thousands of Add-ons available, When you first open the Add-ons Manager, a list of recommended Add-ons is also shown.

  • New Firefox 3 Addon System
  • Tags: associate keywords with your bookmarks to sort them by topic.

  • Firefox 3 Bookmarks
  • One-Click Easy Site Info : Click the site favicon in the location bar to see who owns the site and to check if your connection is protected from eavesdropping. Identity verification is prominently displayed and easier to understand. When a site uses Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, the site favicon button will turn green and show the name of the company you're connected to.

  • Firefox 3 Bookmarks

Exclusive Hulu Invites For Our Blog Readers

HuluHulu the popular online video on demand service has generously provided exclusive invite codes for our blog readers to participate in their private beta, Please, check the end of the post for special Hulu Invite link.

Hulu Shows

Google Orkut Profile Information To Appear In Search Results

Google Orkut 'Orkut' user profile information will now appear in Google search results when someone searches for your name, the result will contain summary of your profile, including key details like your name, photo and location and will be called 'OneBox', according to Orkut help center:

Watch Fully Animated Star Wars In Command Prompt !

Star WarsWatch fully animated Star Wars in command prompt, just follow the simple steps:

  1. Press Windows Key + R to launch Run window (or Goto Start > Run).
  2. Type cmd and press enter.
  3. Type - telnet and press enter. (or Copy and Paste in command prompt)
  4. Enjoy !

Google Talk - How To Chat With Multiple ID's On Same Computer

Google TalkIf you have multiple Google ID's, and want to use them at the same time on Google Talk here is a nice trick to achieve this.

  1. Right-click GTalk shortcut and select Properties.
  2. The shortcut properties dialog box as shown below should popup.
  3. Just add /nomutex to the existing text (as shown below).
  4. Now you can launch multiple windows and use different ID's.

Digsby - Free Desktop Client With Multiprotocol IM, Email And Social Network Integration

Digsby Networking ApplicationDigsby is a feature rich, easy to use free desktop client offering multi-protocol instant messaging with email and social networking integration aimed at bringing all major online communication services and social networks under one roof making things simpler to manage and use.

Currently Digsby supports:

  • Instant Messaging Services : AIM, MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, Google Talk, and Jabber Accounts.
  • Email Services : Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL/AIM Mail, IMAP, and POP accounts.
  • Social Networking Services : Facebook and MySpace (support for more services coming soon).

Digsby is in private beta now and you need an "Beta Invite Code" to use it (see end of the post for special invite codes for our blog readers).

Firefox Tweak To Enable In-Line Spell Check In All Textboxes And Webforms

Firefox SpellChecker By default Firefox's in-line spell checker does not work in all text-boxes and forms and you need to right-click and select “Spell check this field” to manually start spell-check, however this behavior can be automatically activated by following the steps provided below.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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