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Rapidshare Goes The Legal Lane - Partners With Warner Bros. Planing Launch Of Movie Download Site

Rapid MoviesIn an somewhat unexpected news top file-hoster Rapidshare has entered into an partnership with Warner Bros. and is planning to launch a legal paid movie download website, in preparation of the upcoming paid downloading service the company has already started providing legal trailer downloads of movies to its premium subscribers.

Ironically, Rapidshare is still undergoing a strict copyright infringement battle in German courts which lead to speculations of service being taken down but got settled on terms of pro-active monitoring and control of illegal file uploads to their servers for the time-being.

Rapidshare Legal Paid Movie Download Service

GooglePasswordDecryptor - Reveal Saved Passwords From Google Talk, Picassa, Desktop Search, Gmail Notifier, IE And Chrome

Revealing saved passwords behind asterisks from Web-browsers requires use of a simple javascript bookmarklet, but if you happen to have saved account passwords inside desktop software like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Talk, Picassa, Google Desktop Search or Gmail Notifier you can now retrieve the saved username/password combination in a single-click using free GooglePasswordDecryptor utility.

Retrieved Passwords

Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.

Now Download Youtube Videos In MP3, FLV, 3GP, MP4 And HD Qualities From Google Chrome

Easy Youtube Video Download LogoPopular free Youtube video downloader plugin for Firefox "Easy Youtube Video Downloader" is now available on Google Chrome platform, the free extension allows Google Chrome Web-browser user's to download Youtube videos in MP3, MP4, FLV, 3GP, 720p HD and 1080p Full-HD video qualities with a single-click at fastest download speeds directly from Youtube servers.

Easy Youtube Video Downloader For Google Chrome

Sadly, because of copyright issues official Google Chrome Extension Gallery denied accepting the extension but the addon is now available for download at website where you can find all Google Chrome Extensions not available at the official source.

Get eMailTrackerPro For Free And Start Tracing Emails To Their Geographic Location

Every email you receive or send accompany informational email-headers which can be used to trace its originating location and the path it took to reach you, these headers come handy when you want to track the geographical location of the sender or want to report abused IP addresses of Spam or Scam emails.

If you are a computer savvy user you can view the email-headers and trace the IP location manually but there exist easy to use automated software utilities which gets the job done without any hassle, one such leading software is eMailTrackerPro which costs $29.95 USD to buy but for a limited time you can grab a fully-functional free license key of this utility and start tracking your email originating location.

eMailTrackerPro eMail Tracer In Action

Way2Sms Client - Convenient Utility To Send Free SMS Messages Across India

Way2SMSFree online SMS messaging portals are very popular specially amongst teenagers, We had shared one such free international SMS portal recently and it still works pretty well, However, if you are looking for something which works well with group-messaging then Way2SMS would be the answer for free messaging within India, and now we have a neat utility to send free text-messages right from our Desktop via free Way2SMS account.

Way2SMS Text Messaging Utility

WSUS Offline Update - Easiest Way To Download And Distribute Windows Updates And Hotfixes

WSUSMicrosoft provides Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) for system administrators allowing them to locally manage and distribute Microsoft hotfixes and updates released through automatic updates to computers in a corporate environment easily, free third-party utility WSUS Offline Update makes use of WSUS enabling everybody to download and create custom automated installers to update computers offline with ease.

WSUS Offline Update

Supporting offline downloads for Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP and Office XP/2003/2007/2000 the utility is quite flexible allowing output as a standalone ISO images for CD/DVD creation or to a folder of choice, once created users simple need to launch a single executable on target system enabling them to be updated offline.

Device Doctor - Free, Fast And Simple Device Driver Updater

Device Doctor LogoRadarSync and DriverMax are two well-known free device driver updater utilities - while both of them do a decent job keeping your device drivers updated RadarSync has issues with proper device detection and DriverMax being accurate is not much user friendly requiring compulsory user-registration.

Now to make things simpler a new free device driver updater utility Device Doctor for Windows 7, XP and Vista is here allowing fast and easy driver updates.

Device Doctor
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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