Flashget has always been my download accelerator of choice, but recent inclusion of Adware like components and stat collection modules in latest versions forced me to stick with the older builds, But here we have a brand new version of their upcoming product Flashget-Mini directly from their private VIP forums translated to English and all adware and spying components removed.

This nice, fast and compact free download manager from FlashGet comes with a brand new eye-catchy interface, the new product is optimized for smaller system resources use, faster downloading and better use of desktop real-state, The new version also lets you download videos directly from more then 56 video sites including YouTube.
This is the patched version with following changes:
Patched Changes:
- Kuaiche web search to international Search engine Google.com
- Stats, ShareURL and add to online directory removed
- Info.exe (send stats, share url service to this file from flashget.exe removed)
- Button Main Dialog Speed DL - UL space added / Display fix
- http://safe.kuaiche.com > to Rising Global site / if no AV is installedBTCore.dll
- nat.flashget.com removed
- btinfo.flashget.com removed
- removedp2snetio.dll
- s4.flashget.com/fg4/sul (part from ShareURL and include the URL in Online Directory service) removed
- dllog.flashget.com/fglog removedp2pcore.dll
- cplog.flashget.com removed
- grid.flashget.com removedcore_stat.dll
- stats send/receive + ShareURL service removedlibStatistics.dll
- stats send/receive + ShareURL service removed
I have yet to do extensive tests on this, but this version looks pretty good with all the new changes and removed adware components.
Since this is portable version with no installer, You will need to manually register the Browser click catcher to automatically add links from webbrowser, to do so simply double-click and launch "Register.bat" from the FlashGet Mini directory.
FlashGet Mini Download Link [3.1 MB]>>
Thanks to Leechers Mods for patching this.
Thank you, will keep it up to date.
I have the Gui also cleaned. On button the Download - Upload speed should show DL: .. KB/s UL: .. KB/s
Top frame "The chinese words 2008.... " should be away after replacing the files.
s0 cute..... i hope not for the performance
Performence is much better then older versions, loads very snappy and uses lower system resources.
I am loving Flashget-Mini..
i am johnblesswin from india
Super Performance ..thanks..
please upload goS os
issues i have with this flash get mini
1) i noticed that the picture that is posted up of the new flash get mini has an options button right next to the list button but the one i downloaded doesnt. so that means i cant tweak things and encrypt the data like in the usual flash gets.
2) is the data automatically encrypted that way i wouldnt have to worry about my isp decreasing my bandwith cause im using torrents.
3) when will the full english version come out?
p.s. Yeshewa rules peace out
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