Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 09:08
We have blogged about freemium cloud storage solutions like Dropbox, SugarSync, ZumoDrive, DropBoks, Microsoft SkyDrive and LiveDrive but all of them offer a limited amount of "online data storage" after which a user needs to upgrade their accounts to store more data.
BeeCloud is another such solution but offers a whooping 512GB of online storage with their free account, basically a reseller for LiveDrive they offer fully automatic backups with upto 30 revisions, anywhere data access from the web, iPhone, iPad, smart phone, PC, or Mac and even supports music and videos streaming straight from your mobile device over 3G or wifi.

To get started with the free 512GB storage, all you need to do is signup at their website -, and you dont need a credit-card to complete the process.
Cloud Library
How secure could this storage be ?
Backup Online
I installed it, it seems that it works well, it's a great stuff! thank you
Secure cloud?
As with any cloud solution, who can guarantee data is secure?
Encrypt your sensitive data, with some strong algorithm and then store it in cloud.
Otherwise, who know whom they must allow access by law?
Or what admins can access?
Do-it-yourself encryption is only remotely secure.
Just my 2c
Secure Cloud
a Cloud changes and vanishes continuously, wonder why it is called "Cloud" and not "Sky" which makes it more permanent and stable as the sky is always there and never vanishes.
My comment here is just a thought.
it seems pretty reasonable ...
What if the 512 GB server
What if the 512 GB server dies or if they will sell your personal info, or even worst steal you personal info. Nothing is free in this world..
Signing up...
You cannot open a free account if you do not have an account in Twitter or Google+...
Is it free?
it's fantastic!!!
that's great
that's great
Probably is as secure as every rain cloud,stay up there till disappears!
Impossible to open a free account
Incredible, but if you do not have a twitter or Google+ account, you cannot open a free account...
@ pvilan
I don't know now, but there wasn't any need for Twitter or Google+ when BeeCloud/LiveDrive started offering this free 512GB Cloud Storage last November.
soo nice
Works great
Don't know about all the negative posts, but, I have neither a twitter or google+ account, and had no problem at all creating the free 512GB storage with only my name, email address, and password.
Encryption is available and it is working so well, I am seriously considering updating to the Briefcase 512Gb account at less than a third the cost of dropbox, and with unlimited data storage vs 100Gb for Dropbox.
My biggest concern is with my ISP that limits me to 250Gb /month, so I have to spread out the initial uploads over several months.
Maybe rain securly every
Maybe rain securly every cloud, there are still disappear.
Dear customer,
It is with regret that we need to inform you that we have ended our relationship with Livedrive.
We are no longer a Livedrive reseller and cannot support you further with your backup account.
What does this mean for you?
Your account will continue to work until March 13th 2012, giving you the opportunity to restore files to your pc if needed.
As of March 13th 2012 you will no longer be able to backup or restore data and all the files that are backed up will be removed online.
You are advised to search for another backup solution if you still need one.
need a new source
beecloud will be discontinued on march 13th
Nothing is free but when you
Nothing is free but when you load the data and after some time they implement some charge or some rule on access, so then it would be a problem
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