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Is Google a Boy or Girl ?

Male or female

Answer, after the jump...

Google Gender


No doubt Girl-becouse every one like to visit her, and due to her uniqueness even girls wants to visit, & thats the tricky part.

Agree to use vpn?

Google is a boy because Google has a muscular name. Besides his muscularity, Google works like a man.

Ya Google Is a Girl because of its Behavior...

It's a boy because i can search Japanese women's naked pics

your soooooo funny not

This i nice joke about this google that its a girl.

And Thanks for all your updates and post u always do here in

I just want a software where i can remove the song and can just listen the music do u know any software like this. If yes please give.

you want software to remove song so you can listen to the music??? O.o sorry i do not understand your english to well.

Even though I'm Russian, and my English must be "absolutely terrible" (since anyone who doesn't speak English fluently should apparently be very amusing to Americans who know World Geography about as well I know US history which is about 300ish years of exterminating natives, enslavement, etc.) I'll try to explain: what our friend here meant, he wanted to know if there is a program to separate the music in a song from the singing. IMO there may be a program like that, but it's probably hard to find. And yes I do tend to go off topic at times:)

All I I know in English is N.I.G.G.E.R N.I.G.G.E.R George Bush, but serously the guy wanted to know if there is a program that you can download which can extract only the music from a song

I think he was actually asking if there was a song to rip music from flash videos (like youtube) so you can listen to the song without watching the video.

Okie, now i see what he means. And no, thier is not really a program that can rip songs from flash. But thier is converter that can take downloaded flash and convert them from .FLV to .MP3 or.WAV or.OGG.

Best converter i know is Tripard HD converter, I convert .FLV to .AVI with the program. Works very well with your processor And graphics card ( Program works best with QUAD or 6Core Processor :)and Nvidia graphics)

Also Does not eat your RAM but does need to consume cache from the processor so if you have core2Quad processor then do not run anything cause it will lag alot.

realtech sound card driver have voice removing option, but i'ts not good
try mute center volume in 5.1channel & listen

Haha this is great....No doubt Girl-because SHE :) knows everything I ask...:d

realtech sound card driver have voice removing option, but i'ts not good
try mute center volume in 5.1channel & listen

Google decides what it should be, depending on the user's sex.
For a male user, google is a girl. Where as for a female user, google is a boy.
After all anybody and everybody is attracted by google.

Google must be a gal becoz she looks pretty everday with diffrent style.. attractd by every one nt for looking pretty becoz of the mattr inside

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