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Dispatch Proxy Allows Users To Share Multiple Connections On Windows, Linux And Mac

Why prioritize one internet connection over another when we can enjoy all at the same time!! By design the core TCP/IP technology only allows us to utilize a single interface for connecting via internet at a time, there is no provision for combining bandwidth of two interfaces to achieve higher speeds. A new technology named Multipath TCP is now available which allows connections to use multiple paths for maximizing resource usage and increase redundancy but is only supported by modified Linux Kernel and Apple iOS 7 for now. However, a new open-source project allows users to enjoy similar benefits using a simple local proxy service.

New easy-to-use, cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) 'dispatch-proxy' project aims to fill this gap allowing users to benefit from combined bandwidth and redundancy of multiple internet connections at the same time by automatically load balancing traffic between multiple connections channels. Simply follow the setup instructions as shared below and you will be using this in less then 10 minutes.

Dispatch Proxy
Dispatch Proxy

Using dispatch-proxy one can combine many Wi-Fi networks/Ethernet/3G/4G connections and have access to them as one big, high-bandwidth, load balanced connection. Do note that to make use of higher-connection speed, user must use a threaded download manager which will open multiple connections to dispatch-proxy and it will effectively fetch them using multiple interfaces resulting in combined, faster download speeds. For my tests and the results shown in images shared above, I combined my "3G mobile" connection and "ADSL Broadband LAN" (with individual speeds as shown below) via threaded download in Flashget download manager to achieve the boosted download speeds.

Airtel 3GBSNL Dataone

How to install and configure dispatch-proxy:

  1. Download and install Node.JS -
  2. Launch node.js command-prompt and use npm install -g dispatch-proxy to install dispatch proxy.
  3. install dispatch proxy
  4. Make sure you are connected to more then one internet connections (LAN, Wifi, Mobile internet etc.)
  5. install dispatch proxy
  6. Check your config by using dispatch list at node.js command prompt, this should list all your connected network interfaces.
  7. config for dispatch proxy
  8. Start dispatch proxy in http proxy mode using dispatch start --http, you will be shown the address:port of the local proxy you need to use to route connections via dispatch proxy.
  9. config for dispatch proxy
  10. Configure your application to connect via dispatch proxy.
  11. config proxy
  12. Enjoy, combined bandwidth capacity of all your internet connected interfaces.

Do share your comments and use-cases below.


I done all steps follow this guide. But my speed unchanged. i have done it many times and use Flashget add proxy setting. Download speed still the same beginning. what should i do? Please help. Thank!

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