Some good news for Apple iOS users looking to upgrade there iDevices to latest iOS 6.1 but need an untethered jailbreak to enjoy there devices to it's full capability. The newly formed alliance named Team evad3rs which consists of legendary iOS hackers @MuscleNerd @pimskeks @planetbeing @pod2g which are part of well-known reputed team like Chronic Dev Team and iPhone Dev Team have promised an Apple iOS 6.1 jailbreak named evasi0n soon.

The teaser website for evasi0n is already online and is updated with the fact that 68% of the work is completed. The iOS 6.1 jailbreak applications for Windows and OS X are finished with linux version and final testing remaining before public release. The page also tells a user will need just 5 minutes of there time, a computer running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux to get iOS 6.1 jailbroken using evasi0n.
bless it is not a joke.
bless it is not a joke.
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