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iOS Software

[Infographic] iOS 5 Vs iOS 4 Mobile Web-Browsing Speed Test

We have seen how Apple iPhone 4S compares to iPhone 4, here is another speed-test showing how iOS4 compares to the new iOS5 in mobile web-browsing tests.

[Video ] Checkout How new Apple iPhone 4S compares with iPhone 4 when it comes to speed

While "Siri" - the Apple iPhone 4S voice-recognition virtual assistant, would be one of the most promising new feature of this new mobile device the iPhone 4S also greatly boosts the hardware specs when compared to the older iPhone 4 models.

While application launching is a basic task that doesn't show off the real potential of this new hardware's high-performance graphics and other capabilities, it is without a doubt "the most used" task when using a smart-phone. Here is an extensive video comparison between Apple iPhone 4S Vs iPhone 4 giving a good picture of the everyday performance improvements one should expect between the two devices.

Full-video after the jump.

All New Apple iPhone 4S Officially Launched - Details, Price, Pictures And Video

While Google Android is eating away the Apple iOS dinner as it's already surpassed the gross usage numbers and new Android mobile-os powered devices are popping-out almost a few weeks, as not-expected Apple has let down it's fans by just releasing a not-so-major successor to company's flagship mobile phone "iPhone 4" - named "Apple iPhone 4S". As everybody was eagerly awaiting a brand new, feature rich "Apple iPhone 5" the rumors are now put to a rest as Apple's new phone (Apple iPhone 4S) is now officially unveiled and there is no iPhone 5 for the time-being.

Complete specifications of new Apple iPhone 4S with features, images, rates, availability, and videos posted after the jump.

Free iPhone Augmented Reality App Lets You Try Eye-wear The Smart Way

Augmented Reality is catching up and here is another great example of how virtual reality can work wonders for day-to-day jobs, free mobile augmented reality application "Atol les opticiens" for Apple iOS uses face-tracking technology to let users try new spectacle frames and see the results on-screen in virtual reality. Video demonstration with download link after the jump.

Practical Use Of Mobile Augmented Reality
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