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Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Leaked To BitTorrent A Week Before Release Date

After many hurdles and long delays Duke Nukem Forever development finally got completed and was scheduled to hit the shelves around the globe on June 14th this year, but in some dramatic turn of events and continued bad luck the game is now leaked onto torrent sites freely available for public download days before the retail release.

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Development Completed

Duke Nukem Forever - the much awaited sequel to 1996's popular game title "Duke Nukem 3D" has finally reached the "GOLD" milestone meaning that the game's main development has been finished and the game is now going to get replicated to disks on mass-scale for retail release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms.

Duke Nukem Forever

The game has been in-development for past 15 years and have seen quite a lot of hurdles before getting completed now, in an official press release the creative director at 3D Realms George Broussard states :

Duke Nukem Forever Coming Soon....

Duke Nukem ForeverDuke Nukem Forever (DNF) the sequel of the popular Duke Nukem game series is expected to get released this year as reported by "Dallas Business Journal" based on a interview with 3D Realms President Scott Miller, the game suffered several delays in its production cycle which started in April 1997. Promotional material got released in 1998, 2001, and most recently in December 2007 (see video trailer below), the latest trailer looks promising of things to come.

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