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TVOut2 Mirror TVOut

View iPhone Application On TV And Fix "This Accessory Is Not Made To Work With iPhone" While Using Cheaper Non-Apple A/V Cable

TVOut2Apple restricts use of cheaper compatible composite A/V cables on iPhone and only allows TV-out support via an original Apple cable and that to for only selected applications like iPod and photo slide-shows, if you plugin an non-apple video-out cable in your iPhone you are shown an error "This Accessory Is Not Made To Work With iPhone" and TV-out does not work. Luckily if you have an jailbroken iPhone, not only you can make use of the cheaper non-apple A/V cable for TV-out functionality but also mirror the iPhone display on your TV, meaning you can enjoy all your iPhone applications and games on the big screen.

This Accessory Is Not Made To Work With iPhone Error Screen
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