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Clean and recover space from iPhone, iPad & iTouch using free PhoneClean utility

With usage and time, Apple iOS devices iPhone, iPad and iPod touch accumulate long-term caches, temp and off-line junk files generated by Apps or due to failed iTunes syncs. Apart from taking up space on your device, they may devour memory resource and slow down the iPhone when launching Apps.

PhoneClean provides users with an fast, simple and free iOS device cleanup solution. The utility will clean App caches, cookies and off-line files; sweep off media temp files and reclaim other storage space on all your iOS devices.

To confirm wasted disk space on your device, Open iPhone (or iPad) Settings > General > Usage > And you’ll see as below:

Phone Clean

Another way to check this wasted space is by using iTunes, open iTunes and connect your device via USB cable you will see the exact amount of wasted resources under "Other" heading.

Phone Clean 2

Getting rid of Apple OS X update annoyance which blocks shutdown and restart of computer

Upgrading to Apple OS X Mountain Lion does introduces it's own set of annoyances, and one of them is auto system updates which does not allow system to power down until finished. With a slow internet speed and GB's of update to download this can be a real annoyance, as shown in the screenshot below the update would take more then a day to finish.

MAC Appstore updates

Luckily, there is a way out as demonstrated below.

Bypassing the Gatekeeper restrictions in new Apple OS X Mountain Lion

MAC OS X Mountain Lion LOGO

Apple OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is out now and with it comes the new "Gatekeeper" security feature, as evident from the name what this new security feature does is to prevent installation of unauthorized applications on user computer safeguarding them against malicious software.

The OS X Gatekeeper looks for verified “signature” by Apple in every application and block others, although essential this new security feature has broken installation of many independent software installation on Apple OS X Mountain lion and here is how to bypass this restriction both temporarily and permanently.

MAC Gatekeeper Restriction

How to manually download updates from Apple Mac AppStore

Apple's MAC OS X built-in software upgrade utility gets the work done, but if you are looking for something more powerful with ability to pause and resume downloads there exists an alternative method.

Apple provides users with direct download links to software's and updates on there website, users can grab these links and download via there choice of download manager utility with pause and resume support.

Apple MAC Update

TrackChecker - Free utility for online shoppers and sellers to track there shipments with ease

If you are an avid online shopper or seller and need to keep track of multiple items, shipping details and shipment tracking data. Free windows utility "TrackChecker" is here for your rescue, with support for automated monitoring and tracking of shipments from more than 220+ postal and courier services world-over this is all you need to ease-upon the data overload.


The utility is designed keeping all needs of online buyers and sellers in mind, and offers features like - Track groups, ability to add/configure any custom mail-tracking service, filtering, sorting, quick search, and other handy customization features to get most out of the data at hand with ease.

CMOS De-Animator - Simple to use graphical tool to reset BIOS password

Resetting or recovering a forgotten BIOS/CMOS password can be a tough nut to crack as usually it requires opening the case and sorting BIOS battery. If you are able to boot into Windows, free utility CMOS De-Animator lets you do this without going through the manual procedure using just a single button click from Windows.

CMOS De-Animator basically clears the BIOS RAM, by smartly invalidating the CMOS verification checksum which results in resetting of all BIOS settings to default including the stored BIOS passwords on reboot.

CMOS password reset

DriverPack Solution - Free Windows Device Driver Pack With Full Offline Database Support

Hardware device compatibility would be the topmost reason behind the success of Microsoft Windows operating-system, despite this Windows users have to struggle for correct device drivers for legacy hardware and devices from small vendors. We have shared two excellent free solutions to search, install and backup Windows device drivers - DriverMax and Device Doctor. However, both these utilities require an active internet connection to work therefore if you require which can work offline free, open-source DriverPack Solution would be the solution.

DriverPack Solution supports driver search, installation and update for Windows XP / Vista / 7 (x86-x64). The utility is offered in two flavors the lite version sized 7Mb requires an active internet connection to download drivers and the Full version sizing 3Gb comes with full device driver database and can be burned on a DVD for offline use anywhere.

Device Driver Update

PasswordPilot - A niftly little Cydia hack which automatically fills-in appstore password when prompted on Apple devices

The beauty of jailbreaking your device is that it allows users to perform hacks on the device, and achieve functionality which are otherwise not possible or allowed. Here is one one such little hack which saves you from those repeated, irritating "password prompts" when you install anything from iTunes Appstore on your Apple iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Password Pilot Cydia Tweak

How to make Chrome your default web-browser on Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Yesterday, we shared the news of snappier Google Chrome being available on Apple iOS platform. However, Apple iOS does not let users select there default web-browser of choice and would only launch mobile safari for links from apps. Thanks to the Cydia Tweak "BrowserChooser", a user can now select any web-browser as default including "Chrome for iOS".

Browser Chooser for iOS

MemSQL - World's fastest MySQL compliant database engine

memsql logoDatabase's are crucial for internet and it is also one of the biggest bottleneck when it comes to website speeds. The most commonly used free, open-source database MySQL is also slow when not properly configured, optimized and fine tuned and is the reason behind various forks aimed to offer faster performance and reliability.

Addressing the performance bottleneck, a new next-generation wire-compatible MySQL replacement is now available for download. Suitably named "MemSQL", it removes the most common bottleneck "disk" from the equation for an in-memory data tier with ultra low latency and unparalleled database speed.

MemSQL places data into memory and translates SQL into C++ for the utmost optimization in query execution. MemSQL is not only 30 times faster and safer (data durability) then MySQL but also takes only 30 seconds to install as it is fully compatible with MySQL offering a fully relational interface with all the existing powerful SQL features.

MemSQL main features inforgraphic
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