We want our computers to be as fast as possible, and one of the most annoying issue with today's operating-systems has been slow booting time. While there are already various developments going on to make computer booting faster, how about an Instant-On addon to your existing operating-system for times when you want fast-access to internet, email, chat, multimedia and files on your computer without needing to boot-up the fully-loaded operating-system ?
Well if you said "yes" Splashtop OS is for you - a fast instant-on Linux-based platform running Chromium delivering power-on and go desktop experience, Splastop OS has been available for quite some time as an customized OEM bundle with various laptops and net-books and now has been made available for free to anyone as an install on top of your existing OS version.

After installation when you computer power is switched-on it boots into Splashtop which automatically boots-out to Windows after pre-configured time passes without any action.