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Fixing iTunes Store Error - 3259 Resulting in Failed Downloads

Apple iTunes is an versatile software and like any other complex software is prone to errors and compatibility issues, one of the most common iTunes store error would be -3259 download error.

iTunes Store Error -3259

The error occurs when iTunes is unable to communicate with server because of network or permission error, you are shown one of the following error :

Best Free Utility To Clean Your iTunes Music Library

meta-iPodIf you use iTunes you must be experiencing issues like duplicate tracks, dead media links and tracks without meta-information in your music-library, sadly iTunes does not provide a proper way to get rid of these issues easily and we have to rely on third-party utilities like Teridons iTunes Script to declutter your iTunes media library, now a better and easier to use free alternative is available which lets you not only remove missing and duplicate tracks but also auto-rate and fetch missing meta-information for your music collection.

meta-iPod could be considered as an swiss-army knife for iTunes with all the must-have functionality to clean your iTunes music library, the software is very easy to use and is actively developed with new features getting added fast.

iTunes Music Library Cleaner

iLocalis - iPhone Anti-Theft, Tracking And Remote Control Utility - Exclusive Free Premium Account Giveaway

iLocalisDue to their small size mobile devices are very vulnerable to get stolen, but fear not there are many anti-theft utilities available for various mobile-phones letting you track and recover your stolen device similar to laptop theft-tracking utilities.

Luckily if you are using Apple iPhone you can not only track your device location but also remote control it, thanks to iLocalis - the best theft-tracking and remote control utility for Apple iPhone.

Online GPS Tracking For iPhone

With iLocalis installed on your device you can keep track of device current location, share location with friends, remote control iPhone, create and restore remote backups, remotely wipe your device data, receive automatic SMS to a pre-configured number of choice if phone SIM is changed (for receiving thief's number and current location), prevent iTunes connection and restore when the iPhone is remotely locked, make remote phone calls and SMS, activate call forwarding remotely (comes very handy if you forget your iPhone and want to forward calls to another number).

Jailbreaking Apple iPhone 3GS

As expected iPhone 3GS jailbreak dubbed Prurplera1n is out now and you can use it to jailbreak the latest iPhone running iPhone OS 3.0, despite iPhone Dev Teams warning to hold the jailbreak until iPhone OS 3.1 gets out, "GeoHot" went public with the jailbreak stating that this is not the last hole and this is the way this works - we release, Apple fixes, we find new holes.

Purplera1n Jailbreak For iPhone 3GS

Jailbreaking allows you to customize your iPhone with home-screen wallpapers, third-party ringtones, themes and above all enjoy applications and hacks available via Cydia installer, The Windows only Prurplera1n jailbreaking utility for iPhone 3GS is surprisingly just 394 KB in size, and needs no IPSW files to jailbreak your phone, follow the instructions ahead to jailbreak your Apple iPhone 3GS.

Simple Tip To Delete All Contacts From Apple iPhone Address Book

iPhone Address BookApple iPhone Operating System has undergone its third major update but it still lacks many basic functionality like option to delete all contact in your address-book from within the phone, if you are struggling to erase your iPhone contacts list here is an fast and easy single-click solution for deleting all contacts from your iPhone.

Cleaned iPhone Address Book

Apple iPhone 3G S Unlock And Jailbreak

While iPhone lovers were disappointed that the latest unlock from iPhone Dev Team UltraSn0w does not support unlocking the new Apple iPhone 3G S, a good news is here - the author of the original iPhone unlock exploit and Bootloader 4.6 cracker "GeoHot" has made significant progress towards exploiting the new iPhone 3G S bootloader bypassing the sigchecks which could potentially result in an iPhone 3G S jailbreak and un

iPhone 3G S Word-wide Launch Dates

New Apple iPhone 3G S is definitely worth a buy and if you are still wondering when its going to get launched in your country here is comprehensive list of world-wide release dates.

Apple iPhone 3G S Release Dates

Download PwnageTool 3.0

PwnageToolLatest version of the popular iPhone jailbreaking utility PwnageTool from iPhone Dev Team is now available for public downloading, the new PwnageTool v 3.0 supports jailbreaking the new iPhone firmware 3.0 on all versions of iPhone and iPod Touch devices except the new iPhone 3G S, The Dev Team also warned not to use PwnageTool 3.0 if you are using yellowsn0w and wait few more days until new iPhone unlock UltraSn0w is available.

PwnageTool v 3.0

Contrary to everybody's expectation it now seems that UltraSn0w is not able to unlock iPhone 3G S as of now, but if you have any other version of iPhone/iPod Touch with any baseband and firmware the new PwnageTool will work.

UltraSn0w - New iPhone Hack To Unlock Any iPhone With Any Baseband Including Latest Firmware 3.0

Jailbreak and carrier unlock for latest Apple iPhone 3G S seems to be here, the famous iPhone Dev Team has now released an video demo displaying successful carrier unlocking on official 3.0 firmware which means it should be able to unlock iPhone 3G S which comes pre-loaded with same operating-system version, the DevTeam has decided not to reveal the exploit named UltraSn0w until iPhone 3G S finally hits the stores tomorrow.

iPhone 3G S UltraSn0w Unlock

The iPhone Dev Team also announced that official updated versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn working with iTunes 8.2 for jailbreaking iPhone 3.0 firmware are under development and will get released soon.

All New Apple iPhone 3G S Announced

Apple iPhone 3GSAfter lots of rumors and speculations about the upcoming new model of iPhone, details about the all new Apple iPhone 3G S were finally announced at WWDC, the latest iPhone model dubbed iPhone 3G S will be made available on shelves from June 18th this year in US and in 80 countries by August, as the new letter 'S' in name signifies, the latest version will be 2x faster then the older version.

iPhone 3GS

With exciting new features like faster speed, improved 3D graphics, data speeds upto 7.2 MBps, 3 MP autofocus camera, 30fps video recording, in-phone video editing, voice control, built-in digital compass, new battery, cut-copy-paste support, search, internet tethering, voice memos and Nike+ support the brand new avatar of Apple iPhone is priced at $199 for 16GB and $299 for 32GB model with contract, the current iPhone 3G 8GB variant will remain on shelves for $99.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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